

1 Which is better, having a high-salary job but living away from your family members, or having a low-salary job but living with your family?
来源:大陆 分类:Work 属性:核心预测
Two-way Brainstorming A job with high salary but few family reunion 1. High salary secures our material life, including budget of vacations with close people. 2. High salary proves personal capability, and a sense of achievement outweigh relaxation with intimate people. 3. To give up high salary for family reunion is sometimes at the cost of the welfare of a whole family. A job with few salary but more family reunion 1. A job seldom sustains for a whole life, but relationship with families and friends last for long. 2. The expense of living off family will add up. 3. With outstanding personal capability certain companies are searching for, high-salary vacancies are anywhere, regardless of geographical limit.
Model Answer: A job with few salary but more family reunion Regardless of an affluent and basically-satisfied life we are living today, the pursuit of wealth and a more material life never die. Therefore, those ambitious and aggressive young people would rather struggle in metropolis than live comfortably with families in the hometown, for the sake of money and more opportunities to make money. Their stance is understandable but never acceptable to me. First of all, a job seldom sustains for a whole life, but relationship with families and friends last for long. Last month, my big brother was laid off for poor company operation. When he was abandoned by the high-paid job, he found it hard to instantly get another offer with equal pay and welfare. After searching for proper job vacancy in city center for almost a month, h
2 Which one of the following factors contributes most to an enjoyable vacation. Good food, Good location or good friends to travel with?
来源:大陆 分类:Activity 属性:核心预测
Three-way Brainstorming Good food 1. Food is the paramount necessity of human beings. 2. Bad food may bring illness and ruin the whole vacation. 3. Food can bring energy to a person. Good location 1. Tourists’ attractions become famous because of its beautiful scenery or recreational facilities. 2. You can indulge yourself into the attracting scenery and relax yourself. 3. From learning the culture and history of a place, one can gain more knowledge. Good friends with you 1. Travelling with our good friends will be an effective way to maintain our relationships with them. 2. All the beautiful scenery and delicious food in the world cannot overcome the displeasure of constant conflict between travelling companions. 3. Being with reliable companions can reduce the difficulties we meet during the vacation.
Model Answer: Disagree As a culture buff, I am keen on discovering cultural heritages of another city or country. Good travelling companions who share the common interests with me certainly contribute to the joyfulness of the trip. First of all, travelling with our good friends will be an effective way to maintain our relationships with them. For me, my friends and I all work hard in separate jobs and do not have much free time to get together. When we all go away together, it feels as if we have all the free time in the world, whether we want to go sightseeing, surfing or just sit and gossip all day. Staying with my friends can totally help me rela
3 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers' performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers.
来源:大陆 分类:Education 属性:核心预测
Two-way Brainstorming Agree Students have got the first-hand knowledge of the teacher’s performance in class. Students’ evaluation may probably help the teacher adjust the teaching method. The teacher being evaluated may be warned of daily performance, and try best in order to receive a positive feedback from students. Disagree In terms of the students who would determine the performance of a teacher, most of them are too young to understand every measure the teacher takes to educate them. In terms of the teacher being evaluated, students’ right to evaluate teachers’ Performance may influence his or her decision to make proper judgment or criticism in class. In terms of the colleagues who tend to evaluate a teacher, they tend to have a more justified attitude towards the efforts the teacher has contributed to education
Multitudes of industries, in order to receive first –hand knowledge, feedback from the service users, have adopted various methods, such as sending out questionnaires or making telephone interviews. When the whole country has emphasized om the importance of quality, education has also experienced revolutions. For example, teachers will be evaluated of their performance. However, to be evaluated by whom, colleagues or students, remains a controversy. In terms of the students who would determine the performance of a teacher, most of them are too young to understand every measure the teacher takes to educate them. For example, every students in China have got similar experience of staying up for mountains of homework. Most of us, when doing the heavy work, may have cursed th
4 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Today people cannot buy products based on information in their advertisements because advertisements are less honest than before.
来源:大陆 分类:Media 属性:核心预测
Two-way Brainstorming Disagree 1. Advertising informs us of possible choices in purchase. 2. Those companies which can afford large-scale advertising are able to conduct quality control as well. 3. Customers nowadays are smarter enough to distinguish the claims made by the enterprises and those telling the truth. Agree 1. People are exhausted by too much advertising that uncovering the products with genuine quality is harder. 2. Currently, in order to attract customers, companies have invested too much on advertising rather than the quality improvement. 3. Loose regulations over advertising has provided enterprises an open to claim on TV as they like.
Model Answer: Agree Advertising has constituted a great proportion of TV and online programmes that people have been fed up with such claims made by enterprises. Moreover, customers start to notice that most claims are over-exaggerated that they are less reliable. In terms of the problem, I choose to depend on advertising less for the following concerns. First of all, people are exhausted by too much advertising that uncovering the products with genuine quality is harder. When people are too much exposed to a multiple of advertisements which tell less truth, next time when in front of the shelf, we tend to reach for the products advertised, a
5 Some parents do not agree with the way teachers are teaching their children. Do you think that parents should express their disapproval to the teachers?
来源:北美 分类:Education 属性:核心预测
总观点: 支持向老师表达意见。 分论点1: 家长向老师表达意见是件正常的事。 论述:运用了自然延伸的论证方法,阐述了家长有权利关注自己孩子的成长并保护孩子不受伤害。 分论点2: 家长表达个人对于教育的想法是合理的。 论述: 运用了自然延伸和举例的论证方式,提到向老师提意见是件好事,并且以自己的经历为例进一步支持了分论点的论述。 让步段: 向老师提意见也会有一些问题存在。 论述: 运用了自然延伸的论证方式,说明了向老师提意见可能出现的问题。 结论: 家长应该和老师交流意见。
Teachers play an important role when children are young. However, nowadays more and more parents are concerned about whether their children can be well educated by teachers. Sometimes, they have different opinions about teacher’s teaching methods, but they wonder if it’s proper to tell the teacher directly. As for me, I think parents should express their disagreement. Firstly, It is normal that parents communicate with teachers about different opinions, whatever the teacher are fond of or not. No one would deny that sending their kids to school, parents have the right to pay close attention to the growth of their kids. There




