

1 阅读和讲座讨论了斑马身上条纹的作用。
来源:大陆 分类:Biology 属性:核心预测
斑马身上条纹的作用 1. 一是在被追捕过程中有一种optical illusion 会让捕食他们的动物对于他们的距离远近产生错觉从而在不正确的时候进行leap从而无法抓到他们 2. 其次是让敌人无法分清个体和一群 3. 还有便于自己藏匿在草丛中;
讲座给予了批驳: 1. 其实在捕杀斑马的动物中 他们从不存在leap的阶段所以也就不存在optical illusion的作用; 2. 敌人对条纹还是纯色无区别,个体还是一群也没区别; 3. 第三就是斑马一般不会藏起来,而是暴露在开放的草原上。 题目让你说说lecturer的观点以及怎样反驳reading 的
The lecture refutes the view mentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to further demonstrate the function of the stripes on zebra. Firstly, from the perspective of optical illusion, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, predators of zebra never leap to catch i
2 关于铁质施肥是否有效及是否会对当地生态造成破坏。
来源:大陆 分类:Environment 属性:核心预测
1. Iron fertilization 1. Not efficient, in experiment, only few carbon dioxide could be absorbed.. 2. Produce toxic chemical materials which will harm the local fish industry. Human beings will be harmed also if they eat those fish 3. Cause bad impact to ocean biology system. Damage ocean’s bio-system balance.
1. Experiment is too short, only for 1 month. Actually, the 2nd and 3rd month, absorption of carbon dioxide will gradually increase. Most of CO2 are consumed in the last month. Which cannot be observed in the short experiment. 2. Only limited area will generate these toxic materials. Stop to use this method in those area them. 3. global warming’s risk is greater than Regional Ocean’s bio-system risk. So we should concern more about global warming.
The reading and listening both discuss iron fertilization. However, what the listening states is quite different from the main idea in the reading. First, in the reading it is said that iron fertilization is nor efficient in experiment for only a few carbon dioxide1 could be absorbed. Nevertheless, the speaker shows the opinion that the experiment is too short, only for 1 month, at the 2nd and 3rd month , the absorption of car
3 阅读和听力分别讨论了某种植物是否对环境有利。
来源:大陆 分类:Biology 属性:核心预测
The article Introduced a kind of plant which called GM (Gene Modification) crop.It has three major benefits. 1. It is good for the environment because it has the resist-gene. Using GM crop can reduce the use of pesticide. 2 .It can help poor farmers around the world. GM crop can also have good yield In dry season which will profit the farmer. 3 .GM plant can add missing nutrients for people In specific area. For example people eating a lot rice lack of Vitamin A. Sp GM rice which had added Vitamin A in it can help people gain what they missed
The lecture totally disagreed in those three aspects. 1.If the resist-gene is got by the wild crop, it will grow out of control which brings more damage to the environment. 2. Those GM crop cannot help farmers economically because they need to buy those GM seeds every year instead of using the seeds they got from the last season. It is more costly. 3.The Vitamin A added in the rice is not enough. The more efficient way to deal with this problem is encouraging those people eating more vegetable like sweet potato.
The reading and the listening both discuss three major benefits of GM crop. However, what the reading suggests is quite different from the main idea in the listening. First, the author considers that using GM crop is good for the environment because it has the resist-gene. In contrast, the professor disagrees with such point and says that if the resist-gene is got by the wild crop, it will grow out of control, which brings more damage to the
4 狮子鱼从印度洋拓展到太平洋,阅读提出三种解决办法,教授反对。
来源:北美 分类:Biology 属性:核心预测
教授全部反对: 1.人工捕捉无法区分lionfish 和其他鱼,很多rare的鱼也都在coral reef,会牵连其他鱼种; 2.引进市场会导致有人人工养殖,lionfish 如果从fish farm escape, 这就造成了更严重的invasive 问题; 3.有些lionfish是有毒的,吃了以后会造成vomiting numbness arching, 我们无法检验每一条鱼,所以不吃它们。
Reading: lionfish 从Indo洋扩展到太平洋了,阅读中有三种方法来解决: 1.人工捕捉它们来protect coral reef 生物系统; 2.引入fish market,这样可以减少对local fish的需要,让他们能有时间recover; 3.人工可以把它们用于日常饮食,因为他们高蛋白低脂肪。
The listening and the reading both discuss three ways of tackling lionfish’s expansion from Indian Ocean to Pacific Ocean. However, what the reading suggest is quite different from the main idea in the listening. First, in the reading, it’s said that the migrated lionfish should be captured by human to protect the coral reef system. In contrast, the professor holds a different view that many people cannot distinguish lionfish from other fishes. Moreover, many rare fishes also live
5 【题目】coal ash的污染很严重,需不需要new much stricter regulations on handling and storing coal ash。
来源:北美 分类:Environment 属性:核心预测
【阅读】说不需要,有几个理由。 1. 相关的regulation已经存在,要求company to use LINER on the ponds什么的。 2. 他怕新的严格的规定,会让人们不敢再买recycled coal ash。 3. increasing cost. 电费会涨十倍,大众会不接受。
【听力】认为需要。 1. 原本的规定只要求company在新的ponds上用liner,old ones are not required。所以现在old ponds还是会产生许多coal ash, 会进入地下水,最后污染饮用水。 2. professor举了mercury的例子:在mercury 的问题上也有很严格的regulation, 但是人们依然在买recycled mercury for over 50 years。 3. 电费确实会涨到多少billion,但是平均到人头上,每个人的电费就只涨了1%而已。It is not a big price to pay to have a cleaner environment.




