雅思课外读物-- Are you busy in the right way?

小站整理2016-03-25 17:23:47

摘要:“Are you busy in the right way?你忙对了吗?”没错,今天给大家带来的雅思课外读物就是忙碌的主题.因为今天是周五啦,忙碌了一周的工作和学习,是时候放松一下了,看一篇文章消消遣也是极好的,一起来看吧!

今天给大家送上雅思课外读物,一篇关于忙碌的文章。Busy : A badge of honor or a big lie?忙碌:荣誉勋章还是弥天大谎?我忙,手头有多项任务需要完成;我忙,忙是我尽职尽力的标志!然而,忙碌就一定意味着产出就多?不尽然!多与家人聚,可能产出更多;每次只聚焦一件事,也可能产出更多!忙碌,有时只是我们自我安慰,逃避失败的一种策略而已。那么,今天你忙对了吗?一起来看今天的雅思趣味阅读素材吧!

Busy, busy, busy — but not really getting anything done? From the idea of the “busy trap” to the overwhelming(不可抑制的) feeling many professionals have at the end of each day and week, overload(负担过重) is a real issue.

But what if we’re looking at the issue in the wrong way? What if you could reframe(再塑造) your thinking, feel less busy and perhaps get more done? It’s a topic several LinkedIn Influencers weighed in on(对......发表意见) this week.

Here’s what two of them had to say.

“I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere along the way we were convinced that being ‘busy’ was good for us,” wrote Spurlock in his post Being Busy is a Waste of Time. Spurlock himself has “all but the word busy” from his personal and workplace vocabulary. (Spurlock自己的个人和工作场所词汇中“绝无忙碌这个词”。)

“We’re not busy … we’re productive(多产的;有生产力的),” he wrote. “And yes, there’s a difference.”

“Busy paints a picture of people who are either keeping themselves occupied or who don’t have the time to do other things,” Spurlock explained. (Spurlock解释道,“忙碌描画出人的这样一幅图画:他要么忙得不可开交,要么就是根本没有时间做其他事情。”)“Productive describes an environment rich with goals, personal and professional achievements and wrapped in(卷入) success, a place where you're actually creating something vs just doing something.”

Spurlock breaks productivity down to(把......细分) four categories.

Among them:

“Personal productivity… is the most important one, as it centres around the time that I make to spend with my family, my friends and doing things that fulfil me as a living person,” he wrote. “I know it’s odd to look at the time you spend with your family as being productive... but by doing so, I’m mentally making it more important. I’m giving it the same weighted value that I put on being able to keep a roof over my head and food on the table.(我给它赋予与维系身家生存同等重要的价值。) Personal productivity keeps me human and reminds me what really matters in this world."

“Financial productivity is an important one, as these are the projects that create consistent revenue, they keep the dog fed, the interwebs working and gas in the tank, but they also free us up to focus more on the first two (personal and creative productivity),” Spurlock wrote.

“By shrouding(遮盖) all of these areas of my life in the nature of being productive, I am making them more valuable,” he concluded. “There are tangible(实实在在的) results, both personally and professionally, associated with them. By looking at my work and my time through this lens, it makes them all more rewarding.”

“Being busy has somehow become a badge of honor. The prevailing(主导的) notion is that if you aren’t super busy, you aren’t important or hard working,” wrote Bradberry in his post How Being Busy Makes You Unproductive. “The truth is, busyness makes you less productive.”

He went on to say, “When we think of a super busy person, we think of a ringing phone, a flood of emails and a schedule that’s bursting at the seams with major projects and side-projects hitting simultaneously(同时),” he wrote. “Such a situation inevitably leads to multi-tasking(多任务处理) and interruptions(干扰), which are both deadly to productivity.”

As Socrates said: Beware the barrenness(无趣) of a busy life. There’s some proof to that statement.

“David Meyer from the University of Michigan published a study recently that showed that switching what you’re doing mid-task increases the time it takes you to finish both tasks by 25%,” Bradberry wrote.





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