雅思课外读物-- Are you busy in the right way?

小站整理2016-03-25 17:23:47

摘要:“Are you busy in the right way?你忙对了吗?”没错,今天给大家带来的雅思课外读物就是忙碌的主题.因为今天是周五啦,忙碌了一周的工作和学习,是时候放松一下了,看一篇文章消消遣也是极好的,一起来看吧!

Another data point: “Microsoft decided to study this phenomenon in their workers and found that it took people an average of 15 minutes to return to their important projects… every time they were interrupted by e-mails, phone calls, or other messages,” Bradberry wrote. “They didn’t spend the 15 minutes on the interrupting messages, either; the interruptions led them to stray to other activities, such as surfing the web for pleasure.”

But why do we feel we’re getting so much done when we’re so busy?

“We’re so enamored(迷恋) with multitasking that we think we’re getting more done, even though our brains aren’t physically capable of this,” Bradberry wrote. “Regardless of what we might think, we are most productive when we manage our schedules enough to ensure that we can focus effectively on the task at hand.” (无论我们怎么认为,如果我们处理事务时确保有效聚焦在手头工作,我们的生产力就是最高的。)

In some studies, it was found that people use business to “hide from… laziness and fear of failure”.(有些研究发现,人们用忙碌当借口来“掩盖......懒惰和失败的恐惧) “We burn valuable time doing things that aren’t necessary or important because this busyness makes us feel productive,” he wrote. “As it turns out, you really do have to slow down to do your best.”


overwhelming 势不可挡的

overload 负担过重

reframe 再构造

eliminate 消灭

be wrapped in 卷入

shroud 遮盖

tangible 实实在在的

simultaneously 同时

multi-tasking 多任务处理

interruption 干扰

barrenness 无趣; 荒凉

enamor 迷恋 (be enamored with... 迷恋上......)


1. Why, according to Spurlock, is spending time with family as important as winning food on the table?

2. What is Bradberry's attitude toward keeping busy by multi-tasking?

Imitable sentences:

1. I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere along the way we were convinced that being ‘busy’ was good for us. 我不清楚从何时起,我们开始相信”忙碌“对我们来说是好事。

2. By looking at my work and my time through this lens, it makes them all more rewarding.” 用这种方式来看,我的工作和时间显得更加有价值。

3. Being busy has somehow become a badge of honor. The prevailing(主导的) notion is that if you aren’t super busy, you aren’t important or hard working, 忙碌似乎已经成为荣誉勋章。主导观念是,如果你不是超级忙,你就不重要,或者没有努力工作。

4. We’re so enamored(迷恋) with multitasking that we think we’re getting more done, even though our brains aren’t physically capable of this. 我们迷恋同时干多项任务,认为这让我们做得更多,虽然从物理学上讲,我们的大脑根本不能这样做。

5. In some studies, it was found that people use business to “hide from… laziness and fear of failure”. 有些研究发现,人们用忙碌当借口来“掩盖......懒惰和失败的恐惧。






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