2016年5-8月雅思口语P2多版本范文--Describe an old person you know who you respect

小站整理2016-05-09 16:33:42

摘要:本文为大家带来2016年5-8月雅思口语Part2的多版本范文,真题是Describe an old person you know who you respect,描述一个你尊敬的老人,来看文中的5个范文!

接下来为大家带来的是雅思口语Part2的真题范文,题目是:Describe an old person you know who you respect

You should say:

Who the person is

How you know the person

How long you have known this person

And explain why you respect this person.


The senior person whom I really respect and like is my grandmother. From my childhood she has been a caring person for me. Still she is a good friend of mine whom I share many things. She is a benevolent and good person who possesses a good heart. She tries to help others with her highest efforts. I know her from my childhood as she lives with us and we have a lot of happy memories together. She is a successful mother of 3 people including my father. She has devoted all her life for her kids and made them educated. She possesses a nice and charming personality that illuminate people around her. I love and respect her for many different reasons. The most important reason is because of her unconditional love and affection for me. She is a good mentor who can show me positive ways and guide me in my depressed time. Talking to her is a soothing experience and the story she tells is always attractive and full of morality. I have learned many positive attitudes and good thinking from her. For all those reasons and a strong bonding between us, I respect and admire her very much.


Momicafé is one of the most famous café in China. Its owner, Jim, is the person who I admired the most in my junior high school. I remember the first time I met him was in an opening ceremony of a business plan competition. His experience of setting up his own business really inspired me to fulfill my dream. After the ceremony, I got a chance to talk with him and since then, we have kept talking from time to time. He opened his first café right after he graduated from college. It soon became popular among college students because of its comfortable environment and highly qualified service. Jim is so astute that he created a special service in café. Customers can pick a day and a postcard and the staff will deliver the postcard for customers on that day. It means that if you order a postcard for your friend’s birthday, the staff you deliver the postcard you has picked to your friend on his birthday. The café also sells book. The various service and goods enable Momi café to be a special café among all the other cafés. Most people have a hard time when starting a business, Jim is also among them. He presented to venture capitalists as he was struggling for the investment. At last, he set solid foundations for Momi café and then many similar cafés sprouted up. He was also under a lot of pressure since he had to try to make Momi café better to beat the other competitors. Now there are over a hundred branches in all around China. I wanted to be like him not only because of his success but also because of his persistence. Only when you insist what you want can you make your dream come true.






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