2016年4月雅思口语最新part3话题范文--spend time with friends and families

小站教育2016-04-11 11:41:32

摘要:小站雅思君今天给大家带来最新雅思口语part3话题的参考范文和语料库,这次的话题是关于“朋友和家人”。分别是“Why do you think people might care more about friends than family?”“What is the most common way to communicate with friends?”“Do you think it is difficult for people to stay in contact with friends?"希望对大家有帮助!

今天分享的雅思口语part3的话题叫"spend time with friends and families",里面包含3个主要的问题:为什么你会觉得人们可能关心朋友比家人多?和朋友交流的最常见的方式是什么?以及你认为和朋友们保持联系困难吗?我们一生会遇到很多人,大部分都是陌生人,最早认识的是我们的家人,后来的人生经历中我们会遇到各种各样的朋友,跟家人和朋友如何相处交流呢?一起来看看今天雅思口语part3话题的参考范文吧,你会找到答案的!


1.Why do you think people might care more about friends than family?

2.What is the most common way to communicate with friends?

3.Do you think it is difficult for people to stay in contact with friends?

Sample answer:

1.Well, possibly because for many people it’s their friends that they spend most time with and share more activities with than with their family.For example, my family lives in another part of the country, so I don’t see them very often but I generally see my friends all the time. I share more of my life with my friends than my family – but I wouldn't say I care more about them than my family, but I do spend more time with them and talk to them more and do more things with them than I do with my family.I suppose some people might end up caring more about their friends if they become more important than their family in their everyday life or if they are not particularly close with their family.



all the time 总是

end up doing 以做某事而告终 注意和end doing的区别 end doing sth=finish doing sth 结束做某事

2.Generally, I think it’s by texting each other. It seems to be the most popular way nowadays; it’s easy, instant and in most cases free. It’s certainly how I keep in touch with most of my friends on a regular basis. Everyone has a mobile phone so no matter where they are you can send them a quick text and stay in touch. If they’re busy when they receive it then they can reply later when they’re free , that’s one of the main reasons it’s better than actually calling, you never have to worry about if the other person is occupied when you send them a text.


It seems to be 看来是... 注意和there seems to be的区别 there seems to be翻译成好像有...

keep in touch with 和某人保持联系

no matter....不管

occupy 占据

3.No, not really, I mean with all the technology available today, there’s really no reason to lose contact with someone unless you really don’t want to stay in touch with that person. Maybe it isn’t always possible to visit all your friends in person on a regular basis or as often as you did in the past, but you can send an email, text or videochat with them as often as you want, it’s easy.


not really 不是这样的

lose contact with 和...失去联系

as often as 每次,每当






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