2016年2月雅思口语part2&3完整题库最新发布 适用于2-4月

小站整理2016-02-14 16:49:46

摘要:经历动荡的1月雅思口语变题月后,目前口语题库已完全稳定, 本次题库的新题以旧题回库题及旧题新编题为主,全新题较少,可见雅思考官也有偷懒炒冷饭的时候。大家口语备考可以安心享用。不过雅思过与不过可不只是题库能解决的。 所有报了2月场次的雅思考生,都可按此真题范围开始备考。

1月雅思口语变题季过后,目前口语新题库已趋近稳定, 本次新题以旧题回库题及旧题改编题为主,全新题较少。以下雅思口语题库与考官手中题库一致度趋近99%。所有报了2-4月场次的雅思考生,都可按此题目范围开始备考口语。以下按照人物,物品,地点,经历,社会人文(其他)五类来盘点新的雅思口语part2&3完整题库。




1.描述一个新闻人物(describe a person you know from the news)part3 中国的新闻一般有哪些内容?经常出现哪些人?真实吗?Why ?你经常看新闻吗? What kinds of people can be seen on TV ? Is the information always true ? why do you think the news is not true ? what’s the difference between reporting news in the past and in the present ?

2.描述你认识的做对社会有益工作的人(describe a person who does socially useful job / a person who has important job )part 3 工作中重要的品质?年纪大和年轻的谁工作表现会更好?

3.描述第一次同老外聊天的经历(p2 first time use foreign language to communicate with someone ) p3 学外语困难有用吗 说和读 写会不会很困难

4.描述一个对社会有贡献的人( describe a person you know that has made a contribution to the society ) part3 高薪工作有哪些? 为啥有些工资很低? 公平吗? 在学校里学习工作技能吗?这样好不好? 工作要求经验,你如何在大学里获得工作经验?

5.描述一个对你道歉的人( describe a person who apologized to you) part 3 什么情况下人们道歉? 什么时候道歉了但不是真的mean it ?家人之间经常道歉吗?

6.描述一个你相处时间很长的家庭成员(describe a family member you spent long time with/ Describe a family member that you like to talk with and mostly close to) part 3 男女在家里的责任是否一样?在中国一个家庭里面一般居住几代人?在城市和郊区的对比上面来看在居住几代人有没有什么区别 ?你觉得青少年和老年人在生活方式上面有没有什么不同的地方?为什么现在很多家庭会跟老年人住在一起?二胎政策好么?

7.描述一个你最好的朋友( describe one of your best friends ) when/how you know him/her ? what is she like ? what do you do when you are together ? and explain why he/she is your best friend part 3 friends are more important than relatives ? 人需要一个大的交际圈吗?有些人不善于交朋友,这对他们有什么影响? 有什么交友技巧可供他们学习吗? 男性的朋友关系与女性的朋友关系有什么不同吗?

8.描述一个经常坐飞机的人( describe a person who always travel by plane ) part3 飞机跟其它交通工具在中国人么更多的怎么选择?坐飞机的优缺点?住在飞机场旁边好处坏处?

9.描述一个有趣的动物(describe an interesting animal ) part 3 动物能干嘛?没有动物会咋样?

10.描述一个你敬佩的老人 ( describe a people older than you that you admire/ an older people you admire ) part 3 老人家一般平时都是做什么? 年轻人和老人能相互学习什么?


1.描述一个童年玩具(describe a toy you played in your childhood ) ( what it is , who gave it to you, what does it mean to you ) part 3 . Should parents buy their children expensive toys ? why do some people collect toys ? 有些时日的玩具是不是依然是worthy ?

2.描述一个有趣的故事或者小说( describe an interesting story or novel ) p3 . why detective stories are so popular ? the difference between paper books and e-books ? which one is popular now ? do you think paper books will be old fashioned in the future ?

3,描述一件别人给你的衣服(describe a clothes someone gave to you ) p3 why people in different countries wear different clothes ? possible all people wear the same clothes ? why do people like uniform at work ?

4.描述一个让你开心的买的产品( describe a product you bought that made you happy ) p3. 网购有啥优点? People in China prefer to go shopping at where ? why ? discuss the difference between shopping online and shopping in the shopping malls ? pros and cons ?

5.描述一个你借的有用的东西(describe a useful thing you borrowed ) part3 what Chinese people usually borrow ? Will borrow thing make people uncomfortable ? How to do when you do not want to borrow ?

6.描述一件艺术品或工艺品(describe a piece of art or craft (painting…) part3 Compared gifts made by machine and by people ? would tell me more Chinese handmade gifts ?

7.描述一个全家福(describe a family photo), 在哪个房间,内容是什么,为什么喜欢?)part3 数学和艺术哪个更重要?成年人可以学好艺术吗?为什么学艺术呢?有什么好处吗?家里有很多照片吗?绘画对儿童重要吗?绘画对成人重要吗?有没有必要在初级学校设立绘画课?每个人都有画画的能力吗?过去的照片和现在的照片的区别?用手机和相机照相的缺点?接上是否有隐私问题?

8.描述一个你准备很长时间的礼物(describe a gift that takes you long time to choose ) part3 中国人准备礼物有什么习惯?礼物的意义是啥?


1.描述你喜欢去的一个街道(describe a street where you like to go)part 3 你觉得怎么样的street 更好?关于空气污染,怎么样去解决?

2.描述一个靠近水的地方(describe a place nearby water )中国的水资源咋样?

3.描述一个被污染的村庄或者地方(describe a place or village that has been polluted )在哪里,为啥去,有啥污染,你的感受? P3.你还会再去吗?你的城市有什么污染?为啥有污染?为啥发展就要有污染?为啥发达国家(欧洲)有高水准但是更干净?为啥不能跳过或者加速这个过程来减少污染?

4.描述一个你想去的国家(describe a foreign country you wanna visit but you have not been to ) part3 为什么中国人爱出国了?出国能给我们带来什么?旅游能给环境带来影响是什么?中国人为什么愿意去欧洲?在欧洲工作和去欧洲上学有什么区别?你去欧洲上学最大的困难是什么?

5.描述你喜欢的一个房子或公寓(describe a house or flat that you like (not your home) part3 what are the differences between apartment and house ? Do you like living in a city or countryside ? Do you like or rent house and why? 你会买房吗你认为中国这一代人会买房吗你喜欢哪里的房子?






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