2016年2月雅思口语part2&3完整题库最新发布 适用于2-4月

小站整理2016-02-14 16:49:46

摘要:经历动荡的1月雅思口语变题月后,目前口语题库已完全稳定, 本次题库的新题以旧题回库题及旧题新编题为主,全新题较少,可见雅思考官也有偷懒炒冷饭的时候。大家口语备考可以安心享用。不过雅思过与不过可不只是题库能解决的。 所有报了2月场次的雅思考生,都可按此真题范围开始备考。

四, 经历类( experience)

1.描述一和某人的重要的谈话(describe an important conversation with sb. PART3 和陌生人交谈,中国人和陌生人说话吗,if you get lost会问陌生人么?老师和学生,家长和孩子之间的关系有什么区别? 什么时候你必须和陌生人交流? 你认为面对面交流和电话交流哪个更好?

2.描述你取得的一个成功(describe a success in your life ) part3 how to measure success ? Do you think the way people measure success has changed ?为什么有的人不喜欢他们的工作?

3.描述一个需要等待的决定(describe an important decision need to wait for deciding ) part3人们需要耐心吗?你有耐心吗?人们通常要耐心干嘛?

4.描述一个某人或者某物制造噪音之地(describe an occasion when sb. Or sth. made noise ) part3 喜不喜欢有噪音的地方?年轻人为啥喜欢去酒吧之类吵闹的地方?背景音乐懂得好坏之处?公共场所噪音情况,有什么影响?

5.描述童年时期的一个快乐的家庭事件(describe a happy family event in your childhood ) part3 父母在家庭中的职责?只有一个小孩好不好?

6.描述你想未来想做的一个特殊旅行(describe a special trip that you want to have in the future ) where, with who, why special. Part3 中国人都喜欢去哪一类的地方参观?喜欢看旅游节目还是去旅游?各有什么好处?为什么business travel 很重要?有人说新科技如网络可以替代商务旅行,你认为呢?

7.描述一次望天的经历(describe a time you watched the sky)part3 小孩子有必要学天文知识吗?对人的想象力的影响是什么?相信alien吗?探索宇宙是浪费钱吗?你喜欢看start & planets 吗?什么职业的人会看星球?普通人怎么看星星?小孩子看星星有意义吗?

8.描述一个你忘记做的重要的事情(describe an important things that you forget to do) part 3 how do modern people remember things ? why people forget things ? 什么方法去help people to memorize?现在的人们是不是太过于依赖科技?

9.描述一个一日假期(describe sth you would do if you were given a day off ) part3 人们工作时间更长了么?休息对工作的重要性?

10.描述同朋友的一晚餐(describe a time you had a dinner with friend ) p3 中国没事咋样?

11.描述一个自驾游( describe a car long journey ) why you have a travel ? with whom , something that impresses you and why ? part 3 what are the advantages of driving a car ? whether everyone has a car ?

12.描述一个重要的节日(describe An important festival in china ;Part3 National festival important? Why?How people celebrate ?How do u celebrateWith family or friends? Why?When u have to be with family? What other festival is also important?

13.描述由天气变化而改变的计划(describe an occasion when the weather changed your plan )part 3 你喜欢什么天气?为啥?有些女孩不喜欢sunshine ,你觉得是为什么?人们对weather forecast 持什么态度? Forecast 都有什么手段?

14.描述一个你很难做的决定(describe a decision that is difficult for you to do ) part2 你每天都是做啥决定?选择衣服时,喜欢选择多的商店还是选择少的商店?小时候和成年人做一样的决定么? 人都要做什么重要的决定?

15.描述一个梦( describe a dream you had ) 梦里有谁 发生了什么 你觉得你为什么会发这样一个梦 你希望这个梦成真吗 p3 梦和目标的区别你会把梦和现实分开吗 怎么实现目标 同龄人能够帮助年轻人实现目标吗 大众年轻人的目标或者未来职业你认为是什么 实现目标要做些什么

16.描述将来想学习的一个技能(a skill that you will learn in the future). Par3 what skill you think that children should learn ? Is here any y course in primary schools that teacher relative skills at present ? Do you think skill course are necessary ? do you think boys and girls should learn different skills ? do you agree with the idea that only girls should learn how o cook foods ? what is the necessary skills that one should acquire in our society , especially communicate with the past ?

17.描述一个你帮助的人(a time you helped others ) part3 大人应该帮助孩子么?为什么?有的时候是不是帮的太多了?

18.描述一次长的散步(describe a long walk ) part3 中国最受欢迎的户外运动是什么?这种户外运动在以前是不是也受欢迎?户外运动对孩子的成长有什么好处?

19.描述等待某人或某物的时刻(describe a time you waited for sth.) part3 patient Is being patient important to people Is being patient always positive Has Technology made people less patient than before?

五, 社会人文类(social& Media & Others) (其它)

1.描述一个环保法 (describe a law that can help your country to improve your environment) P3 关于rule为什么学校会制定规则? 家长和老师应该怎样帮孩子遵守规则?孩子不听话家长应该怎么办 ?

2.描述你生命中的特殊时刻的一首歌( describe a special song in your life ) Part 3 什么时候唱歌?男人女人喜欢的歌曲一样吗?老年人年轻人喜欢的歌曲一样吗?为啥有的歌曲适合小孩子?

3.描述你读过的一个关于养生的文章(describe an article about healthy living )part 3. 中国人是否活的健康?怎么样更健康?你国家的人爱diet吗?喜欢吃什么diet ? 你国家的健康信息来自哪?健康信息会不会有不好的地方?

4.描述一个电视节目里看见的有趣故事 (describe an interesting story you watched in a TV program ) p3看电视对家庭关系和孩子的影响 教学中放影片 未来趋势之类。

5.描述你第一次学的体育(describe a sport learnt for the first time. what was the sports? how you learnt it? why you chose this sport?p3.what sports chinese like,do chinese children sports often?

6.描述你未来的一个目标(describe a goal in the future ) part3 process and result , which one is more important ?

7.描述从报纸上或者杂志上看到一个新闻(describe a news on newspaper or magazine ) part 3 do you prefer magazine or newspaper ? what are their positive or negative impact on teenagers ? how many kinds of magazines in China ? do you think journalist on TV is more qualified than that in newspapers ?

8.描述你最喜欢的电影(describe your favorite movie ) part 3 what’s the attraction of a film ? Should they spend a lot of money on filming ?

9.描述一个完美的工作(describe a perfect job for you ) what type of job for us is perfect job ? what this job does ? what qualifications for this job ? part 3 大多数人小时的梦想是什么?长大以后为什么变了? 是什么引起的这些变化?人们的兴趣是怎么来的? 同事会对你的工作有影响么?







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