
小站整理2017-05-25 15:45:53





1. Changes made to eco system in order to achieve a goal, such as food production or flood control, often _____ significant unforeseen trade-offs between other important products and service the ecosystems provide.

A. predict

B. delay

C. foretell

D. obscure

E. yield

F. engender

2. Citing the corruption and intrigue that pervaded politics in the city, my colleague _____ the newspaper’s trove of journalism prizes, declaring that finding great stories in the city must be effortless.

A. slighted

B. ignored

C. lauded

D. disparaged

E. confounded

F. commended

3. As cheaper imports drove most California potteries out of business during the 1950s, one company (i) _____. The substantial size and weight of the specialized products produced by Architectural Pottery helped (ii) _____ the company, because it was uneconomical for foreign companies to ship similarly large objects to California.

A. stagnated  D. transform

B. diversified  E. insulate

C. flourished  F. finance

4. Aerial viewings of the gigantic stone horse attributed to the Native American Quechuan people fail to _____ the considerable artistry required to create the piece: the horse appears crudely constructed unless carefully examined from the ground.

A. reveal

B. justify

C. manifest

D. mitigate

E. diminish

F. undercut

5. Argument may be an overly (i)_____ word to apply to the gossamer contrivance that is A Summer of Humming Birds. In what seems a self-conscious (ii)_____ of its mascot the book flits from one subject or moment in history to another, following the various whims of its author.

A. archaic     D. repudiation

B. imprecise  E. emulation

C. robust      F. misrepresentation


imbibe (v. to drink),quaff(v. to drink deeply), bargain(n. something bought or sold at a good price), supplies(n. things that are needed for a particular purpose and that will be used by a particular person or group)



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