5月8日GRE数学机经发布 专家指点教你抱对佛脚

小站教育2016-05-01 01:56:00



5月21日/27日GRE考试其他题型机经预测:阅读/ 填空/ 写作 /词汇

1. ABCE is a square, and BCDE is a parallelogram.

Quantity A: The area of square ABCE

Quantity B: The area of parallelogram BCDE

A. Quantity A is greater.

B. Quantity B is greater.

C. The two quantities are equal

D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

参考答案:C. 正方形的面积是长乘以宽,平行四边形的面积是长乘以高。一样大。

2. nis an integer.

Quantity A: (-1)n(-1)n+2

Quantity B: 1

A. Quantity A is greater.

B. Quantity B is greater.

C. The two quantities are equal

D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.


3. The population of Country X for 1980 was p. The population of Country X increased by 3.8 percent in each of the next two years.

Quantity A: The population of Country X for 1982.

Quantity B: 1.076p

A. Quantity A is greater.

B. Quantity B is greater.

C. The two quantities are equal

D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

参考答案:A. p(1+3.8%)2,结果大于B

4. x ≠ 0

Quantity A: x2

Quantity B: x(x+5)

A. Quantity A is greater.

B. Quantity B is greater.

C. The two quantities are equal

D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.


5. x=2, y=3,z=5

Quantity A: x-1yz-2

Quantity B:

A. Quantity A is greater.

B. Quantity B is greater.

C. The two quantities are equal

D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

参考答案:B A=1/2*3*1/25=3/50; B=9/100; B>A

6. Each week a salesperson receives a commission that is equal to 12 percent of the first $500 of sales plus 20 percent of additional sales. If the salesperson received a commission of $380 last week, what was the total amount of the sales that the salesperson made last week?

6. $1,600

7. $1,660

8. $1,860

9. $2,000

10. $2,100


7.If x

A. 2x < y

B. 2x > y

C. x2< y2

D. 2x-y

E. 2x-y< 2xy

参考答案:D. D项2x<2y; x

8. 1/2

Quantity A: 2r

Quantity B: 1/r

A. Quantity A is greater.

B. Quantity B is greater.

C. The two quantities are equal

D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.



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