Describe a big company you are interested in.
You should say:
What is the company called
How did you know this company
What kind of business this company does
What kinds of interesting activities does the company have.
这一题让你说到您感兴趣的big company,包括之前题库中出现过的small successful company,其实都可以用到相似的素材。最简单的思路就是你把你所从事的领域或是专业里面比较有名的公司说出来即可,不建议同学一直说苹果、微软、阿里巴巴等公司,原因嘛,还是一样,太多人说已经被说烂了。所以在这里,没有必要一定要说考官听过的知道的公司,我们可以直接说出公司的名字,加上which is的定语从句去修饰到底这个公司是做什么的就可以啦。他让我们说big company我们就说这是一家跨国企业multinational corporation,他让我们说一家小而成功的公司那就更简单了,哪怕我随便编一个公司名字,我在定语从句中补充一下这个公司虽然规模比较小,但是比较成功取得了很大的进步不就可以了。要记住,考官不会真的去Google你说的那家公司是否真实存在,是否达到成功的标准,他主要看的还是你语言组织与表述的能力。
那这一题的难点之一还在于其最后一个问题,问道What kinds of interesting activities does the company have?公司哪些活动比较有趣。很多人就想不出来了,这样怎么说呢?大部分人想到的还是很俗套的什么组织旅游啦,开年会啦。这些当然可以,但是在这里给大家推荐一个本人亲身经历过比较特别又很好说的一个activity。之前工作的外企会有一个传统叫做“Happy Hour”,也就是每周五下午下班前一个小时。在这一个小时内,所有员工放下一切工作,聚到一起休息放松。公司会免费准备提供一些零食饮料,吃的喝的,并且大家还可以表演节目,相互聊聊天,一次来放松并且增进感情。这样的活动由于是内部活动,所以基本上所有的公司你都可以给他说有一个这样的活动,只要你表述的流利清晰,考官一定不会质疑你的!所以针对这一部分,给同学大概做了一小段的sample answer,大家可以参考一下:
But what impress me the most is the interesting activity in this company. For instance, there is a tradition called "Happy hour". Every Friday afternoon, between 3-4 o'clock, all the stuff need to have a rest and gather together to have fun. And the company always provides us some tasty food or delicious drinks free for us. Sometimes, there are some funny shows for us to entertain ourselves. In this happy hour, we can have a relaxation. You know, in the daily work, we are under the huge pressure. So during this one hour, we can fully release our burden, like, just chatting with others, playing some games and enjoying ourselves. Therefore, I believe that this activity is definitely interesting and meaningful. We can not only relax ourselves in order to increase our working efficiency, but also boost the friendship between all of our colleagues.