
小站整理2018-01-22 16:20:49



Question 1 of 14

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. The regularity and power of stone walls inspired Romans attempting to unify the parts of their realm.

B. Although the Romans used different types of designs when building their walls, they used regular controls to maintain their realm.

C. Several types of control united the Roman realm, just as design and cement held Roman walls together.

D. Romans built walls to unite the various parts of their realm into a single entity, which was controlled by powerful laws.

Question 2 of 14

According to paragraph 1, all of the following are controls that held together the Roman world EXCEPT

A. administrative and legal systems

B. the presence of the military

C. a common language

D. transportation networks

Question 3 of 14

The phrase “obsession with ” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. thinking about

B. fixation on

C. interest in

D. attitude toward

Question 4 of 14

According to paragraph 2, which of the following was NOT characteristic of Rome’s early development?

A. Expansion by sea invasion

B. Territorial expansion

C. Expansion from one original settlement

D. Expansion through invading armies

Question 5 of 14

Why does the author mention “Alexander the Great ” in the passage?

A. To acknowledge that Greek civilization also expanded by land conquest

B. To compare Greek leaders to Roman leaders

C. To give an example of Greek leader whom Romans studied

D. To indicate the superior organization of the Greek military

Question 6 of 14

The word “fostered ” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. accepted

B. combined

C. introduced

D. encouraged

Question 7 of 14

Paragraph 3 suggests which of the following about the people of Latium?

A. Their economy was based on trade relations with other settlements.

B. They held different values than the people of Rome.

C. Agriculture played a significant role in the society.

D. They possessed unusual knowledge of animal instincts.

Question 8 of 14

Paragraph 4 indicates that some historians admire Roman civilization because of

A. the diversity of cultures within Roman society

B. its strength

C. its innovative nature

D. the large body of literature that it developed

Question 9 of 14

In paragraph 4, the author develops a description of Roman civilization by

A. comparing the opinions of Roman intellectuals to Greek intellectuals

B. identifying which characteristics of Roman civilization were copied from Greece

C. explaining how the differences between Roman and Greece developed as time passed

D. contrasting characteristics of Roman civilization with characteristics of Greek civilization

Question 10 of 14

According to paragraph 4, intellectual Romans such as Horace held which of the following opinions about their civilization?

A. Ancient works of Greece held little value in the Roman world.

B. The Greek civilization had been surpassed by the Romans.

C. Roman civilization produced little that was original or memorable.

D. Romans valued certain types of innovations that had been ignored by ancient Greeks.

Question 11 of 14

The word “spheres ” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. abilities

B. areas

C. combinations

D. models

Question 12 of 14

Which of the following statements about leading Roman soldiers and statesmen is supported by paragraphs 5 and 6?

A. They could read and write the Greek language.

B. They frequently wrote poetry and plays.

C. They focused their writing on military matters.

D. They wrote according to the philosophical laws of the Greeks.

Question 13 of 14

Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?

They esteem symbols of Roman power, such as the massive Colosseum..

Question 14 of 14

Direction: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question worth 2 points.The Roman world drew its strength from several important sources.

A.Numerous controls imposed by Roman rulers held its territory together.

B.The Roman military was organized differently from older military organizations.

C.Romans valued sea power as did the Latins, the original inhabitants of Rome.

D.Roman values were rooted in a strong attachment to the land and the stability of rural life.

E.Rome combined aspects of ancient Greek civilization with its own contributions in new areas.

F.Educated Romans modeled their own literature and philosophy on the ancient Greeks.






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