
小站整理2018-01-19 15:35:11



Question 1 of 6

What is the main purpose of the talk?

A. to show what happens after an economy has experienced a boom-and-bust cycle.

B. to illustrate the conditions needed to produce a boom-and-bust cycle.

C. to demonstrate how boom-and-bust cycles have changed over time.

D. to explain why the boom-and-bust cycle is not a frequent historical occurrence.

Question 2 of 6

What is the professor's opinion about the dot-com crash?

A. she thinks that people should have realized it would happen.

B. she does not believe that anything like it will happen again.

C. she is surprised that it did not have more serious consequences.

D. she is confident that people learned a valuable lesson from it.

Question 3 of 6

According to the professor,where did tulips originate?

A. the mountains of central Asia.

B. the region around Istanbul in Turkey.

C. the sandy soils of the Netherlands.

D. the forests of northern Europe.

Question 4 of 6

Why does the professor mention a merchant who ate tulip bulbs?

A. to explain how the Turks introduce the flower to European visitors.

B. to explain what happened to tulip bulbs that did not produce desirable colors.

C. to give an example of one way that the rich in the Netherlands showed off their wealth.

D. to illustrate her point that Europeans were unfamiliar with the flower.

Question 5 of 6

What were some of the factors that contributed to the tulip craze in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century?Click on 3 answers.

A. Wealthy gardeners liked to compete for rare plants.

B. The number of people with disposable income was growing.

C. Tulip bulbs were initially cheap and easy to obtain.

D. Tulips in the wild bloomed in unusual color combinations.

E. The tulip market was not regulated by the government.

Question 6 of 6

The professor mentions the practice of trading promissory note in the Netherlands in the 1630s,what does this practice explain?Click on 2 answers.

A. why tulips replaced gold as a form of currency.

B. why buyers were no longer interested in owning actual tulips.

C. why borrowing in the Netherlands increased on a significant scale.

D. why the middle class in the Netherlands expanded in size.






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