
小站整理2018-01-09 15:51:40



1.What is Bode's law?

a) A law of gravitation

b) An estimate of the distance between Mars and Jupiter

c) A prediction of how many asteroids there are

d) A pattern in the spacing of the planets

2.Why does the professor explain Bode's Law to the class?

a) To describe the size of the asteroids

b) To explain how the asteroids belt was discovered

c) To explain how gravitational forces influence the planets

d) To describe the impact of telescopes on astronomy

3.How does the professor introduce Bode's Law?

a) By demonstrating how it is derived mathematically

b) By describing the discovery of Uranus

c) By drawing attention to the inaccuracy of a certain pattern

d) By telling the names of several of the asteroids

4.According to the professor, what two factors contributed to the discovery of the asteroid Ceres?

a) Improved telescopes

b) Advances in mathematics

c) The discovery of a new star

d) The position of Uranus in a pattern

5.What does the professor imply about the asteroid belt?

a) It is farther from the Sun than Uranus.

b) Bode believed it was made up of small stars.

c) It is located where people expected to find a planet.

d) Ceres is the only one of the asteroids that can be seen without a telescope.

6.Why does the professor say this?

a) To introduce an alternative application of Bode's Law

b) To give an example of what Bode's law cannot explain

c) To describe the limitations of gravitational theory

d) To contrast Bode's Law with a real scientific law






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