
小站整理2018-01-09 15:28:10



What is the professor mainly discussing?

a) The development of motor skills in children

b) How psychologists measure muscle activity in the throat

c) A theory about the relationship between muscle activity and thinking

d) A study on deaf people's problem-solving techniques

2.Why does the professor say this?

a) To give an example of a laryngeal habit

b) To explain the meaning of a term

c) To explain why he is discussing laryngeal habits

d) To remind students of a point he had discussed previously

3.Why does the professor say about people who use sign language?

a) It is not possible to study their thinking habits.

b) They exhibit laryngeal habits.

c) The muscles in their hands move when they solve problems.

d) They do not exhibit ideomotor action.

4.What point does the professor make when he refers to the university library?

a) A study on problem solving took place there.

b) Students should go there to read more about behaviorism.

c) Students' eyes will turn toward it if they think about it.

d) He learned about William James' concept of thinking there.

5.The professor describes a magic trick to the class, what does the magic trick demonstrate?

a) An action people make that they are not aware of

b) That behaviorists are not really scientists

c) How psychologists study children

d) A method for remembering locations

6.What is the professor's opinion of the motor theory of thinking?

a) Most of the evidence he has collected contradicts it.

b) It explains adult behavior better than it explains child behavior.

c) It is the most valid theory of thinking at the present time.

d) It cannot be completely proved or disproved.






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