
小站整理2018-01-05 13:57:30



1.What is the lecture mainly about?

a) Art in the Neolithic period

b) The site of a Neolithic town

c) Methods of making stone tools

d) The domestication of plants and animals by early farmers

2.What does the professor imply about the tools used by the people of Catalhoyuk?

a) They were made of stone that came from Catalhoyuk.

b) They were among the sharpest tools available at the time.

c) They were often used in religious rituals.

d) They were used primarily for agriculture.

3.What does the professor say about the entrances to the houses in Catalhoyuk?

a) They were in the roof.

b) They were usually kept closed.

c) They allowed smoke to escape from the house.

d) They stood opposite one another across narrow streets.

4.What does the professor say about Catalhoyuk graves?

a) The graves contained precious stones.

b) Many people were buried in each grave.

c) The grave were located under the house floors.

d) The graves contained ashes rather than bones.

5.What does the professor think of the idea that the inhabitants of Catalhoyuk deliberately arranged their house so that they could live near their ancestors' graves?

a) She thinks it is a good guess, but only a guess.

b) She thinks some evidence supports it, but other evidence contradicts it.

c) She thinks that further excavations will soon disprove it.

d) She thinks that it is not appropriate to make such guesses about the distant past.

6.What are three things the professor says about the artwork of Catalhoyuk?

a) It was clearly important to the Catalhoyuk religion.

b) It became covered with soot.

c) It often shows farmers at work.

d) Its significance is unknown.

e) It contains many hunting scenes.






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