官方真题Official35托福听力Lecture 3答案解析免费分享

小站教育2017-06-05 15:59:14



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官方真题Official 35-L3

1. B选项正确


"In our discussion of Italian Renaissance paintings from the 1400s and early 1500s. We've looked some masterpiece on canvass and on wood, but our discussion would be grossly incomplete without talking about frescoes.

Frescoes are basically paintings done on the interiors of buildings, on walls and ceilings. They weren't invented during the Renaissance, if you remember we looked briefly at fresco paintings way back in our discussion of ancient Romans and ancient Roman art a few weeks ago. But it was much later, during the Renaissance, that the term 'fresco' was commonly used. It's an Italian word, that means, literally, 'fresh', and well, to explain that, we have to get specific about technique.“

文章中明确指出要讲文艺复兴时期的fresco,并且有fresco这个专有名词引出下文中讲的technique。 故选项B正确。

• A选项说“激发文艺复兴时期fresco的主要主题的因素",未提及,故排除。

• C选项说“文艺复兴时期的画家是如何修复被毁坏的古代fresco的",未提及,故排除。

• D选项说“在墙内和墙外表面画画的使用的技术的不同点","indoor and outdoor surface"为细 节,"different techniques",未提及,故排除。

2. C选项正确


"Frescoes are basically paintings done on the interiors of buildings, on walls and ceilings. They weren't invented during the Renaissance, if you remember we looked briefly at fresco paintings way back in our discussion of ancient Romans and ancient Roman art a few weeks ago. But it was much later, during the Renaissance, that the term 'fresco' was commonly used."


• A选项说"为了解释他们不在建筑物的墙壁和天花板上画画",未提及,故排除。

• B选项说"为了指出他们使得人们熟知fresco这个概念",与原文相反,故排除。

• D选项说"为了介绍古代艺术和复兴时期艺术的区别",未提及,故排除。

3. BD选项正确


"The reed mats could smooth out the surface of a rough wall, or could also provide all that important protection from moisture, or do both.”文章中明确说明reed mats的作用,分别对应BD选顶。故选顶 BD正确。

• A选项说“为了给艺术家在画画时提供舒适的站立环境”,未提及,故排除。

• C选项说“为了在冷的时候覆盖并保护fresco”,未提及,故排除。

4. A选项正确


"The technique of creating frescoes was developed over time, and eventually perfected during the Renaissance, a time when immense buildings were being erected as symbols of wealth and power. Very large buildings, which people wanted decorated on inside as well as the outside. The owners of these grand buildings wanted to decorate the walls to reflect their own affluence and prestige."


• B选项说"它们被工程队设计",未提及,故排除。

• C选项说"大多数都有非常光滑的墙",与原文相反,故排除。

• D选项说"很少有装修里面的",与原文相反,故排除。

5. D选项正确


"There is this popular mental image people have of an artistic genius producing a masterpiece in total solitude. Well, that idea is fine for canvas painting or other small works. But a practical reality of fresco painting in the Renaissance was collaboration."


• A选项说"这个理论得到了当代学者的支持",与原文相反,故排除。

• B选项说"这个理论适用于Michelangelo,但不适用于Raphael",与原文相反,故排除。

• C选项说"这个理论适用于文艺复兴时期的艺术家们,而非当代的艺术家",未提及当代艺术家,故排除。

6. D选项正确


"Artists had to plan the work carefully, divided it into several days. Each day was a repetition of the same technical process. Apprentices mixed paints, prepared the plaster, spread it on one section of the wall or ceiling. Then finally, painted on the wet plaster. This had to be done within a few hours before the plaster dried. So they'd go through that whole process in one day on one section. The next day, they'd move on, and do it again, on an adjacent part. So any fresco commissioned to an artist, was for practical reasons, commissioned to a whole team. ”


• A选项说“一些fresco需要上百年才能完成",这句话的前提是如果整个fresco是由一个艺术家来画 的话可能要画上百年,但是不符合本题题意,故排除。

• B选项说"很多fresco完全是由学徒完成的","完全”太绝对,故排除。

• C选项说"学徒们在同一时间各自分工做不同的事情”,与原文相反,故排除。


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