【考托口语资料】小站独家深度解析官方原题Official32——口语Task 4

小站整理2014-06-13 17:03:45


Task 4

Reading Part:

Choice-Supportive Bias

People often make decisions by considering the advantages and disadvantages of each option. However, after a person selects an option, there is a tendency for that person to exhibit the choice supportive bias. After selecting an option, a person may begin to favor that option. Without being fully aware of it, people who exhibit this bias tend to focus on and remember only the advantages of the option they selected. As time passes, they will overlook the option’s disadvantages, eventually even forgetting them.

Listening Part

Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a Psychology class.

(Male professor) OK, so an example of this from my own life: five or six years ago, I was helping a friend of mine decide on a house to buy. He had been in the market to buy a house and he had it narrowed down to this one house that he was interested in. What he really liked about this house was it had an excellent location. I t was in a great place that was actually in the same part of town where he was working right up the street from his job. So, he wouldn’t have far to drive to get to work which he really liked. However, the downside of this house was that it was smaller than what he was hoping to buy. He wanted to buy sort of a big house and this house just wasn’t that big. So it was a tough decision. But my friend eventually did decide to buy the house. And a few years after he made the purchase, I remember, we were talking about the decision and why he decided to buy the house. He told me, well, of course, it was because of the house’s location. He told me how happy he was with the fact it was so close to his work, how great it was only few minutes from his job. I said, “Yes, but, what about its size? Do you still think the house is kind of small?” And he looked at me kind of surprised, “Small? What do you mean small?” Like he didn’t know what I was talking about. The house’s size, a couple of years after buying it, just didn’t seem to be on his mind anymore.

Explain how the examples from the professor’s lecture illustrate the choice- supportive bias.

Sample Answer:

Choice supportive bias is a tendency that after people make a choice, they tend to favor the option they previously selected and only remember the advantages of their choice, overlooking (or even forgetting) the disadvantages of their decision. The professor uses an example of his friend to illustrate this. His friend was looking for a house to buy, and he found a house with a great location that was close to his workplace. However, the house was smaller than he originally wanted. He eventually bought the house with a good location. After a few years, when he was asked about the house, he said that he was really happy about the fact that the house is close to his work, but no longer remembered his dilemma regarding size. That means he only remembered the advantages, and forgot the disadvantages of his choice.

Ÿ Comments:

Ÿ 对于大部分考生来说,托福口语task 4还是有点难度的。

Ÿ 首先,在task 4中,考生们面对的话题,都是平时嫌少接触的,如:Marketing, Biology (animals, plants…), Phycology等。当然,这些很有可能是考生们到国外读大学,在相关科目的书本中会遇得到的。

Ÿ 对于此类题型过于恐慌也是没有必要的。从官方真题Official32的 reading part 我们可以看到,阅读部分的难度较之前的官方真题Official练习并没有太大的变化,且长度也没有加长,所以从此可以看出,task 4还是比较稳定的。

Ÿ 再从内容上来看,官方真题Official32中的 task 4 的选材,依旧是常考的那些学科中的心理学。心理学相对于那些冷门学科如:统计学,经济学等来说,难度上还是较为简单的。因为心理学研究的人的心里,大部分的概念还是比较贴近生活,容易理解的。

Ÿ 在官方真题Official32中的 task 4 里讨论的Choice-Supportive Bias,也是人们生活中真真正正会有的心里状态。所以,即使没有学科背景知识,也是可以读懂的。生僻词也相对较少。

Ÿ 所以,考生们要做的就是,加快自己的阅读和笔记速度,这样就可以在一分钟的时间内,迅速准确完整的复述出阅读与听力中的主旨。

Ÿ 在读reading时,切记一定要把定义句先找出,做好笔记,其他内容若有时间可以随后再进行摘录。定义是最关键的。而且,现在托福考试task 4的阅读时间只有短短的50s,要把所有内容都记下来是不实际的。要懂得有所割舍

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