
[考前预测]托福综合写作考试考前预测重点预测 18年3月24日场

1 【题目】电子病历的三个优点。
来源:北美 分类:Social Problem 属性:重点预测
【阅读】在美国,某些人认为电子病历有三个优点。 1. 省钱,不会发生错误,和利于做科研。 2. 电子病例是用电脑写的,因此辨识度很高,不容易错。 3. 电子病历利于更方便的取得大量病人的相关资料做研究。
【听力】 1. 教授认为这些优点是不确定的,他说,即使有了电子病历,医生们还是会把纸质病历作为备份,所以存储转移这些病历的费用并没有省下来。 2. 虽然电子病历使用电脑,但是还是难免出现错误,因为病历还是由医生手写,职员打字输入的,在辨识医生的文字和输入电脑的过程中都有可能出现错误。 3. 教授说在美国病人的病历属于隐私的范畴,有隐私法来监督,研究人员不可能随意的查看病人的病历,首先他必须经过严格复杂的程序获得很多人包括病人自己的允许才能查看病历,所以关于电子病历的这个优点是不存在的。
2 【题目】关于saber-toothed cat(剑齿猫)是否是群居动物。
来源:北美 分类:Archaeology 属性:重点预测
【阅读】saber-toothed cat是群居动物。 1. Fossils of saber-toothed cats with broken bones indicate that they were fed by other saber-toothed cats when they were injured 2. There are large numbers of saber-toothed cats in the trap. The saber-toothed cats hunted together. The sound of dears in the trap attracted them to fall in the trap together 3. Saber-toothed cats lived with other predators such as lions and wolves. Saber-toothed cats have to live in group to compete with those predators.
【听力】剑齿猫不是群居动物。 1. The fossils of saber-toothed cats with broken bones indeed indicate that they could survive when they were injured. However it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to be fed by other saber-toothed cats. Many predators can find dead animals to eat. So did the saber-toothed cats 2. The large numbers of saber-toothed cats in the trap doesn’t mean that they hunt together. The saber-toothed cats hunt separately. One of the saber-toothed cats heard the sound of the trapped dear, went to the trap and fell. Then another saber-toothed cat also heard the sound of the trapped dear, came to the trap and fell again 3. Saber-toothed cats were large predators. Take tigers for example, one tiger is strong enough to fight against the social predators such as lions and wolves. So the saber-toothed cats don’t have to live together to compete with lions and wolves.
3 【题目】讨论关于birds anting这一习性的三种解释。
来源:大陆 分类:Biology 属性:重点预测
【阅读】Demonstrate three theories to explain why birds have the habit. 1. Birds use anting to irrigate skin during feather change in summer. 2. The acid released during anting by ants can help resist parasites growing on birds. 3. Anting is a way for birds to feed on those ants.
【听力】Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage. 1. It is just a coincidence between the time of feather change and bird anting. 2. Anting cannot reduce the growth of parasites on some birds. 3. Birds will have other things to rub themselves, but they do not tend to eat those things.
4 【题目】讨论健康计划Wellness Programs(即公司推出奖励计划给达到healthy-related goal的员工) 是否对员工有益。
来源:大陆 分类:Social Problem 属性:重点预测
【阅读】Wellness Programs in United States bring lots of benefits to companies and employees. 1. The programs can become a motivational tool for people to lose weight and quit smoking, bringing much healthier lifestyle. 2. Employees will be more inclined to take exercises and have wholesome diets through the motivation of the Wellness Programs. 3. Although the program might cost companies a great deal of money at beginning, it saves more compared to the spending for employees’ sickness.
【听力】The program does not work. 1. The program may be an effective way to motivate employees in short term, but it cannot keep for a long period. Research shows that after several years, people are back to their bad habits. 2. The program is not fair for every employee, because cases differ. Some who have to take care of their family or cope with chores do not have enough time to exercise, while others are genetically fat. 3. Companies might suffer great financial loss in long term, because many employees will not stay in one company forever.
5 【题目】讨论关于40年前黄腿山蛙数量下降的三种解释。
来源:大陆 分类:Biology 属性:重点预测
【阅读】Demonstrate three theories to explain why the number of yellow-legged mountain frogs declined 40 years ago. 1. A kind of fish, the trout, was introduced to this area and the trout ate tadpoles of the frogs. 2. The use of pesticides contaminated the habitat. 3. The frogs there were infected by a fungal disease.
【听力】Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage. 1. The trout was introduced 100 years ago, however the decline happened 40 years ago. The time does not match. 2. Rainfall tends to wash the pesticides to lower and farther places. However, frogs lived in areas with higher altitude than that of farms using pesticides. 3. Yellow-legged mountain frogs can produce some antibodies within their bodies, so that they can resist to the infection of fungal disease.  




