

1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in a fast-food restaurant? Please include specific reasons and details in your response.
来源:北美 分类:Object 属性:核心预测
Brainstorming: advantages - to save time - with good taste disadvantage - to take in too much calorie and fat - to jeopardize the desire for healthy food
Although most people are really into fast food, as on one hand, it saves time and on the other hand, it tastes awesome and most people like it, however, there are certain disadvantages that have drawn our attention. Firstly, people will take in too much
2 Which do you prefer? Card game or computer game? Please include specific reasons and details in your response.
来源:北美 分类:Choice 属性:核心预测
Card games  To develop calculation skills  To have fun with friends Computer games  To enjoy loneliness  To keep up with the trend.
In contrast to computer games that most people are fond of, I choose to play card games. There are some reasons. Firstly, it develops my calculation skills. A whole set contains 54 cards, and in order to win the game, I have to remember all the cards
3 Talk about a hobby of yours, and explain why you love. Please include details in your response. 
来源:北美 分类:Person 属性:核心预测
Brainstorming: Main idea: Collecting stamps is my hobby. Reason 1: It helps me get to know about this world. -e.g. I can learn cultures of different countries through collecting stamps. Reason 2: I can meet more like-minded friends. -e.g. I have many friends who also like collecting stamps, and we often have discussions and exchange our stamps.
Well, I'd like to talk about stamp collection. My interest in stamp collecting dates from my childhood. At that time, I collected stamps just because I thought they were beautiful. But then I find that collecting stamps has many benefit
4 If you have time, would you choose to learn to play a new musical instrument or learn to play a new sport?
来源:北美 分类:Choice 属性:核心预测
To learn to play a new musical instrument  to develop my talent in music appreciation  to provide myself another form of interest to learn to play a new sport  to lose weight and keep myself fit  to develop my sense of teamwork and bring more friends
To learn to play a new sport I would like to learn to play a new sport. There are some reasons for my choice. First of all, it is an activity to lose weight and keep myself fit. Take myself for example. I like basketball. But before I started
5 Someone’s coming to your city for a visit with little knowledge about the weather and the place. What suggestions are you going to give him? Please give specific reasons.
来源:北美 分类:Object 属性:核心预测
Brainstorming: suggestion - Weather in my town is mild in this season, but some clothes with long sleeves are also necessary in case of unexpected coldness. - There are many places of interest in the city with historical and architectural significance and the visits will not regret any tourists.
suggestion I believe it is a brilliant choice to visit my city. And there are some suggestion for the tourism. To begin with, weather in my town is mild in this season, but some clothes with long sleeves are also necessary in case of unexpected coldness




