
小站整理2015-11-16 13:26:32

摘要:GMAT语法题,又称句子改错题(sentence correction),是整个GMAT考试中对考生英语语法能力考查要求最高的题型,也往往是中国学生最为头疼的一类真题。怎样做好GMAT语法题?本文将结合经典真题实例解析做题思路和方法技巧。

GMAT语法题,又称句子改错题(sentence correction),是整个GMAT考试中对考生英语语法能力考查要求最高的题型,也往往是中国学生最为头疼的一类题目。没有扎实的语法基础和一定的逻辑分析能力,想要做好语法题难度极高。怎样做好GMAT语法题?下面小编就通过一些经典真题的实例解析,为大家全面讲解GMAT语法题的解题思路和方法技巧。


The automotive conveyor-belt system, which Henry Ford modeled after an assembly-line technique introduced by Ransom Olds, reduced from a day and a half to 93 minutes the required time of assembling a Model T.

(A) from a day and a half to 93 minutes the required time of assembling a Model T

(B) the time being required to assemble a Model T, from a day and a half down to 93 minutes

(C) the time being required to assemble a Model T, a day and a half to 93 minutes

(D) the time required to assemble a Model T from a day and a half to 93 minutes

(E) from a day and a half to 93 minutes, the time required for the assembling of a Model T


(A)from a day and a half to 93 minutes the required time of assembling a Model T

【错误】 简洁明了:在GMAT语法题中表达同一个意思时,简洁性从高到低依次为动词、形容词和副词、一般名词、动名词(简称VANing原则:V——verb,A——adj.或adv.,N——noun,ing——动名词),所以“the required time of assembling”相比 (D)中“time required to assemble”较不简洁。

(B)the time being required to assemble a Model T, from a day and a half down to 93 minutes

【错误】 简洁明了:“time being required”中的“being”完全是多余的。

(C)the time being required to assemble a Model T, a day and a half to 93 minutes

【错误】 简洁明了:类似地,见(B)。

(D)the time required to assemble a Model T from a day and a half to 93 minutes

【正确】 “required to assemble”的简洁性优于其他使用“being required”和“assembling”的选项。

【大意】 自动传送带系统,一种Henry Ford对Ransom Olds引入的流水线技术的模仿,将组装T型车需要的时间从一天半较少到93分钟。

(E)from a day and a half to 93 minutes, the time required for the assembling of a Model T

【错误】 简洁明了:类似地,见(A)。




