
小站整理2015-06-10 15:50:20


GMAT句子改错题(sentence correction),是整个GMAT考试中对考生英语语法能力考查要求最高的题型,也往往是中国学生最为头疼的一类题目。没有扎实的语法基础和一定的逻辑分析能力,想要做好句子改错题难度极高。如何提升GMAT句子改错题的解题能力?下面小编就为大家整理了一些经典例题,结合实例分析为大家讲解GMAT句子改错题的解题思路和方法技巧。


Fossils of the arm of a sloth found in Puerto Rico in 1991, and dated at 34 million years old, made it the earliest known mammal of the Greater Antilles Islands.

(A) sloth found in Puerto Rico in 1991, and dated at 34 million years old, made it the earliest known mammal of

(B) sloth, that they found in Puerto Rico in 1991, has been dated at 34 million years old, thus making it the earliest mammal known on

(C) sloth that was found in Puerto Rico in 1991, was dated at 34 million years old, making this the earliest known mammal of

(D) sloth, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, have been dated at 34 million years old, making the sloth the earliest known mammal on

(E) sloth which, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, was dated at 34 million years old, made the sloth the earliest known mammal of


(A)sloth found in Puerto Rico in 1991, and dated at 34 million years old, made it the earliest known mammal of

【错误】 句子意思:本选项表意为“化石”本身使“树懒”(“sloth”)成为了“已知Greater Antilles Island上最早的哺乳动物”,但实际上,是“化石被测定年代”这件事使“树懒”成为了“已知Greater Antilles Islands上最早的哺乳动物”。而第选项使用“……making the sloth the earliest known mammal……”作状语,表达“Fossils have been dated”的结果,则表达了我们预期的合理含义。因此本选项表意逊于(D)。

(B)sloth, that they found in Puerto Rico in 1991, has been dated at 34 million years old, thus making it the earliest mammal known on

【错误1】 主谓一致:“has been dated”的主语是“Fossils”主谓不一致。

【错误2】 代词指代:“that they found in Puerto Rico”中的“they”本意上指代“科学家”。但GMAT语法中,代词应指代句中已经出现的名词性结构,而此处“they”无所指代。

(C)sloth that was found in Puerto Rico in 1991, was dated at 34 million years old, making this the earliest known mammal of

【错误1】 主谓一致:类似地,见(B)中“主谓一致”。

【错误2】 代词指代:GMAT所考察的标准书面英语中,代词this、that、these、those如果单独使用(“those students”、“that of……”这样的结构就属于不单独使用),其指代不明,因为书面语不能用手去指这指那。

(D)sloth, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, have been dated at 34 million years old, making the sloth the earliest known mammal on

【正确】 “making the sloth the earliest known mammal on the Greater Antilles Islands”出现在主谓结构“Fossils have been dated at 34 million years old”的结尾作状语,这一状语是“S(主)+V(谓),doing”的一种用法——结果状语,即该状语实际上表达的是其所在主谓结构含义产生的结果,其逻辑主语是整个主谓结构。

【大意】 1991年在波多黎各发现的树懒手臂化石被被测定年代为3400万年,这件事使得树懒成为了Antilles群岛上已知最早的哺乳动物。

(E)sloth which, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, was dated at 34 million years old, made the sloth the earliest known mammal of

【错误】 句子意思:与(A)中类似,“made the sloth the earliest known mammal of”仍然是“fossils of the arm of a sloth”——“which, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, was dated at 34 million years old”完全为“fossils”的定语,因此使“树懒成为已知最早的哺乳动物”的不是“化石被测定年代”这件事,而是化石本身。



在(D)中,我们再一次看到了“主谓结构,doing”结构,此处是这一结构表达“结果修饰”的情况(另一种可能是表达“伴随修饰”),合理表达出了“化石被测定日期”这件事使“树懒”成为“Greater Antilles Islands上已知最早的哺乳动物”,表意比(A)、(E)更优,因此选择(D)。


