托福的写作规则和范文英文 有没有可以参考的

小站整理2023-04-24 18:02:50

摘要:托福的写作规则和范文英文 有没有可以参考的



  1. 文章字数要求:托福写作考试有字数的要求,要求考生在60分钟内完成600字左右的文章。
  2. 文章结构要求:托福写作考试要求考生按照特定的结构来完成文章,通常包括引言、正文、结论三个部分。
  3. 文章内容要求:托福写作考试要求考生提供具体、清晰、准确的信息,确保文章的内容与题目要求一致。
  4. 文章语言要求:托福写作考试要求考生使用正式、规范的语言来完成文章,避免使用口语化、生僻的词汇,确保文章的语言流畅、准确、自然。


I. 引言部分

In recent years, the issue of global warming has become increasingly important in both the public and academic circles. With rising global temperatures and the decrease in rainfall patterns, it has become increasingly necessary to take steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment. In particular, efforts to conserve natural resources, such as renewable energy sources, and promote sustainable lifestyles should be vigorously pursued.

This essay aims to analyze the significance of renewable energy for sustainable development and discuss its application in agriculture and industry. In particular, the use of wind, solar, and hydroelectric power can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect the environment, and promote sustainable development in rural areas. Furthermore, the development of renewable energy in the energy industry can create jobs and economic growth, while also contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

II. 正文部分

The use of renewable energy has several benefits for sustainable development. First, renewable energy sources are energy-abundant and have no seasonal fluctuations. This is particularly important in the context of renewable energy shortages where there are times when we are forced to use traditional energy sources. Second, renewable energy sources do not release greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which is detrimental to the global climate change. Third, renewable energy sources are more environmentally friendly, with the emission of greenhouse gases being much lower. Finally, renewable energy sources are more cost-effective, as they do not require the purchase of fossil fuels.

However, the implementation of renewable energy has encountered several challenges. The first is the cost of renewable energy. Although renewable energy sources are less expensive than traditional energy sources, they still do not come without their own set of costs. Wind and solar energy have investment costs, which are mainly in the form of equipment and installation. Industrial applications also require processing and maintenance. In addition, there are often power losses in wind and solar energy due to the mixing of air and particles in the power generation equipment.

III. 结论部分

In conclusion, the use of renewable energy is essential for sustainable development. It can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect the environment, and promote sustainable development in rural areas. The implementation of renewable energy, however, has encountered several challenges, such as the high cost of renewable energy sources. Despite these challenges, there is still great potential for renewable energy in the field of agriculture and industry. We should continue to explore new technologies and strategies to further reduce the cost of renewable energy and increase its efficiency.







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