
小站整理2018-01-23 15:47:43



Question 1 of 6

What is the lecture mainly about?

A. Why the Salon exhibitions became popular among women artists in Paris.

B. Why French society did not approve of art schools or women.

C. How opportunities for women artists in Paris improved.

D. How women artists in Paris cooperated with one another.

Question 2 of 6

What point does the professor make about Julian when he mentions that Julian's art school offered some classes only for women?

A. Julian's school was the first art school in Paris to offer women-only classes.

B. Julian wanted to encourage the distinctive style of women in Paris.

C. Julian viewed himself as a social reformer.

D. Julian possessed outstanding business skills.

Question 3 of 6

What does the professor emphasize as one benefit of competition in women's classes?

A. Women gained more confidence in their artistic abilities.

B. Women became instructors in private art studios.

C. Women were able to sell their paintings for large amounts of money.

D. Women created new styles of painting.

Question 4 of 6

According to the professor,what were two ways that the situation of women artists had changed by then end of the nineteenth century in Paris?Click on 2 answers.

A. Women and men took art classes together.

B. Women artists played a greater role in the Salon exhibitions.

C. More schools were established by women artists.

D. Fewer women artists were traveling to Paris.

Question 5 of 6

What does the professor imply about Bashkirtseff's painting In the Studio?

A. It was one of many paintings that depicted a women's studio.

B. It did not bring Bashkirtseff recognition for her artistic ability.

C. It was criticized for an unrealistic depiction of women artists.

D. It was beneficial for both Bashkirtseff and the school where she studied.

Question 6 of 6

What does the professor mean when he says this?

A. Paris was a popular place to visit,but not the best place to study art.

B. Paris was the most important place for an artist to study and work.

C. Living in Paris was difficult for women artists from other countries.

D. Studing in Paris was beneficial for some artists, but not for others.






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