
小站教育2017-05-11 14:12:20



Conversation 2音频mp3免费下载地址>>>http://bbs.zhan.com/thread-357936-1-1.html

官方真题Official 35-C2

1. Why does the professor want to talk to the student?

A. To review material from a previous class.

B. To recommend a resource for an assignment.

C. To outline steps the student should take to complete his research.

D. To discuss the student's plan for a paper.

2. What does the professor imply about the student's outline?

A. It needs to have a clearer thesis.

B. It needs to include specific examples.

C. It needs to have information from additional sources.

D. It needs to be better organized.

3. According to the student, why is the Bayeux Tapestry an important historical document?

A. It contains the earliest records of English kings.

B. It is based on eyewitness accounts.

C. It documents differences between life in England and life in France during the eleventh century.

D. Its images match those in other documents from the eleventh century.

4. What do the speakers say about the condition of the tapestry?

A. Some of its parts are missing.

B. It has been restored to its original condition.

C. Some of the words on it have faded.

D. Identifying people on it has become difficult.

5. Why does the professor emphasize the bishop's role in the commissioning of the tapestry?

A. To acknowledge that the history of the tapestry is well-known.

B. To point out one of the weaknesses with using the tapestry as a historical document.

C. To explain why the tapestry has survived since the eleventh century.

D. To explain how tapestries were typically paid for in the eleventh century.


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