
小站整理2016-01-11 18:05:18


托福官方真题Official1口语task3题目 Question:

Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter.



1. Reading key

(1.1)Proposal: student opposing school’s plan of acquiring a new sculpture

(1.2)Reason 1: expensive, waste of money

(1.3)Reason 2: large, takes up too much space

2. Listening key

(2.1)The woman disagrees with it

(2.2)Reason 1: the school isn’t paying

(2.2.1) Details: a donor is paying for the sculpture, nice to have art on campus

(2.3)Reason 2: Paul is upset for not wanting to move

(2.3.1) Details: he and his friends are always on the lawn kicking a soccer ball, they don’t want to move, it’s sculpture vs. convenient for Paul


The writer of the letter opposes the university’s plan to acquire a new sculpture because the university’s financial condition is poor and the sculpture is so large that it’ll take up all the green space in front of the campus center. The woman in the conversation thinks the two reasons are totally unconvincing. The woman says it’s an anonymous donor who pays the bill of the sculpture not the university so there is no need to worry about the university’s financial condition. As for the point about the space, the woman thinks Paul, the writer of the letter,always plays soccer with his friends on the lawn where the sculpture will be.She thinks Paul just doesn’t want to move to another place. For him, it’s convenience versus sculpture.





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