【考托听力资料】小站独家深度解析官方原题Official32——听力Lecture 3

小站整理2014-05-21 15:28:49


托福官方真题Official32横空出世,就被各位备考同学疯狂下载。小站教育一如既往想同学之所需,率先对官方真题Official32进行了全面解析和深度剖析。本期就为同学们带来了托福 官方真题Official 32 Listening Lecture 1 的详细深度解析。

Lecture 3 梗概:

教授先介绍本文要讲的一个话题,COPPER BASIN,描述了这个地方的情况,被开采多年后变成了一片寸草不生的沙漠。目前人们正在努力修复这个区域,但是很难。然后开始讲本文重点,即这片区域是如何变得寸草不生的,包括了好几个因素,比如砍伐森林和硫磺烟对森林的影响等等。

Lecture 3

1. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. The environmental effects of heap roasting

B. The reforestation efforts in the Copper Basin

C. The process of mining and producing copper

D. Damages caused during an attempt to clean up industrial waste


(1’40”) But…anyway…let’s analyze the problem. It wasn’t the mining itself that caused such massive destruction. It was what happened after the copper ore was extracted from the mines. It was a process called heap roasting. 教授从一开始先介绍讲座要涉及的重要话题Copper Basin. 然后介绍了一些Copper Basin的来源。然后用转折词BUT来引出这次讲座的主题。


2. What is the professor's opinion about the effort to reclaim the land in the Copper Basin?

A. The techniques and materials used for the cleanup were probably outdated.

B. Some attempts to clean up the Copper Basin have made the problems worse.

C. It is not surprising that cleaning up the area has been extremely difficult.

D. The cleanup has taken longer than necessary.


(1’05’’)Well, actually, those efforts are still ongoing. It’s been a long and tedious process. In fact, it was many years before any results were seen. Copper mining had gone on there for more than 90 years! The damage couldn’t be reversed overnight. 教授用well这个语气助词开始讲述他的观点,这个铜矿进行了90多年,造成的破坏是不可能一夜之间就被扭转的。


3. What does the professor imply when he mentions an Olympic whitewater kayaking competition?

A. That many people are unaware of the environmental problems in the Copper Basin

B. That a successful reclamation of the Copper Basin may be possible

C. That some activities in the Copper Basin must go on despite the pollution

D. That the Olympic competition should have been held in a different location


(1’24’’)Although I should mention that by 1996, the water in one of the rivers flowing through the basin was clean enough that it was the site of the Olympic whitewater kayaking competition. And that river is still used now for recreation.教授在前面谈到这个Copper Basin是很难修复的,然后他用though这个转折词表示态度的转变,他提到有非常干净的水可以用做皮艇漂流比赛,其意图在于表达这个地方还是有救的。


4. According to the lecture, why was heap roasting used in the producing of copper?

A. To make copper ore easier to transport

B. To make copper ore safe for workers to handle

C. To transform copper ore into fuel

D. To remove impurities from copper ore


(1’45’’)Copper ore contains sulfur. And heap roasting was a way to burn away the sulfur in the copper, so they’d be left with something closer to pure copper. 这个过程就是去除铜当中的杂质。


5. What factors led to the disappearance of trees in the Copper Basin? (click on 2 answers)

A. Mines were dug under areas where trees were growing.

B. Loose soil led to trees being washed into the rivers.

C. Trees growing near the mines were cut and used as fuel.

D. Clouds of sulfur smoke killed trees in the area.


(2’20’’) Well, let’s look at the results. 这句是主旨句,引出后面的分论点。First, …So they cut down trees for fuel. … And it was accelerated by the smoke from the burning ore. Big clouds of sulfuric smoke, which was toxic to the trees, formed over the area. Trees that hadn’t been cut for fuel were killed by the fumes.


6. What resulted from the lack of trees near the copper-mining operation?

A. It became difficult to provide housing for all the workers.

B. Rivers became filled with toxic soil.

C. Coal and other fuel had to be transported into the area.

D. The heap-roasting process had to be completed far from the mines.


(3’38’’)And it wasn’t just the land and the air, it was the water too. What do you think happen to the rivers? Well, there are no trees to absorb the rain, and there was a lot of rain! So the rain eroded the soil and swept it into the rivers. And the silting continued at an alarming rate. But this was toxic soil and toxic runoff, the acid and metals in the soil made the once clear rivers flow bright orange. 教授用一个否定句和一个问句来作为结构分割的表达方式,提出更多的补充。







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