【考托听力资料】小站独家深度解析官方原题Official32——听力Lecture 2

小站整理2014-05-21 15:26:23


托福官方真题Official32横空出世,就被各位备考同学疯狂下载。小站教育一如既往想同学之所需,率先对官方真题Official32进行了全面解析和深度剖析。本期就为同学们带来了托福 官方真题Official 32 Listening Lecture 2 的详细深度解析。

Lecture 2梗概:


Lecture 2

1. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. Ways species in an ecosystem affect each other's population size

B. How the carrying capacity of an ecosystem is determined

C. A new theory regarding cycles in predator and prey population sizes

D. How researchers monitor the population size of animal species in the wild


(12’’)学生提出一个问题:I’d like to ask about something I read in an article online, about how the population size of some animal species can affect other animal species, and how other environmental factors come into play too. 动物之间互相影响彼此的数量,以及其他的环境因素也加入这种影响。教授的回答是:Right. Relationships between animal species in a given ecosystem can get pretty complex. Because in addition to predator-prey relationship, there are other variables that affect population size.


2. Why does the professor mention nonnative species?

A. To show that some species cannot be transplanted easily to new environments

B. To give an example of rapid population growth that is not followed by decline

C. To emphasize that species with rapidly growing populations harm ecosystem

D. To introduce a study on the changing population size of certain species


(50’’) 在女生提出一个boom and bust cycle的概念之后,教授进行了一下补充。Let’s say there was a species that had access to plenty of food and ideal conditions. Under those circumstances, its population would increase at an ever-accelerating pace. 在男生发出感叹之后,她继续解释,it doesn’t usually happen… (1’18’’)But we do occasionally see exponential growth in nonnative species when they are transplanted into a new environment. 提出nonnative speices就是为了给出一个例子来说明这种不同寻常的指数增长并不会跟随着减少。


3. What point does the professor make when she discusses the carrying capacity of an ecosystem?

A. The availability of food is more important for species than the availability of space.

B. The amount of environmental resistance in an ecosystem does not change over time.

C. Environmental resistance controls the population size of species in an ecosystem.

D. The population size of most species increases at a constant rate.


(1’30’’)教授用BUT转折回到男生说的观点,But for most species, most of the time, resources are finite. There’s only so much available … which leads me to my point. Every ecosystem has what we call a carrying capacity. 教授开始阐述自己的观点,即生态环境的承载容量是会限制物种的最大数量的。(2’06’’)There are always factors that limit population growth. This is called environmental resistance. 这些限制因素就成为:环境抵抗因素。


4. How did the researchers test the links between acorns, white-footed mice, and gypsy moths in a forest?

A. They supplied an additional food source for gypsy moths.

B. They introduced gypsy moths to areas where there had been none.

C. They cleared oak trees from some areas where both animal species lived.

D. They manipulated the numbers of mice and acorns in some areas.


(3’48’’)男生对教授说的例子提出疑问:How can we know that for sure? It seems like a big jump from more acorns to fewer gypsy moths. 于是教授解释:We can know for sure because in this oak forest, the researchers decided to test the links between acorns and the two animal species. In some parts of the forest, they had volunteers drop a large number of extra acorns on the forest floor. And in another section of the forest, they remove a number of white-footed mice.


5. What does the professor say can lead to a change in the gypsy moth population in a forest? (click on 2 answers)

A. An increase in the number of tree species in a forest.

B. An increase in the number of acorns produced by oak trees.

C. A decrease in the population of white-footed mice.

D. A decrease in oak tree leaves caused by gypsy moth caterpillars.


(4’13’’) In the forest areas where extra acorns had been dropped, the gypsy moth population soon went into a significant decline. But in the section of the forest where the white-footed mice had been removed, the gypsy moth population exploded. 当橡子少了,舞毒蛾也会极大减少。但是当白脚鼠被移除,舞毒蛾数量会膨胀。也就是说,橡子和白脚鼠的数量变化会引发舞毒蛾的数量的变化。


6. What can be inferred about the professor when she says this? (listen again)

A. She does not know the answer to the student's question.

B. She wants to correct a statement she made earlier.

C. She thinks the term the student used is incorrect.

D. She would like to redirect the discussion.


(50’’)重复句子:OK. Well, hold on a second. First I want to go over some key concepts.在女生提出一个概念之后,教授说,等一下,首先我想重新复习一些重要概念。言外之意是想重新引导这次讨论。







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