【考托听力资料】小站独家深度解析官方原题Official32——听力Lecture 1

小站整理2014-05-21 15:24:01


托福官方真题Official32横空出世,就被各位备考同学疯狂下载。小站教育一如既往想同学之所需,率先对官方真题Official32进行了全面解析和深度剖析。本期就为同学们带来了托福 官方真题Official 32 Listening Lecture 1 的详细深度解析。

Lecture 1 梗概:


6. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. The history of archaeology in Africa

B. Traditional methods of archaeological research

C. Controversial new archaeological findings

D. The study of archaeology in Southeast Asia

Main Idea【主旨题】:


What is the conversation mainly about?

What is the main idea of the lecture?

Why does the student go to see the librarian?

Why did the professor ask to see the student?


Go Straight for it 单刀直入型,在对话或者讲座的最前面几句话就直接告知对话的目的或者讲座的主题。

Wait for the twist 迂回型,在进入主题前先将一些与话题无关的话,比如寒暄,比如解释其他的事情等,然后再进入主题。


本文采用开门见山的说法,教授一开始就道出主题:One of the important aspects of the field of archaeology… one of the things that excites me about the field… is that seemingly insignificant things can suddenly change the way we think about a culture. We are always making new discoveries that have the potential to challenge widely held beliefs.

Answer: C

7. What excites the professor about the field of archaeology?

A. Established theories can be challenged by new evidence.

B. The technology used in archaeology is always improving.

C. Archaeology deals with basic issues of human societies.

D. Archaeologists often work in interesting parts of the world.


(09’’)还是开头的那就句:One of the things that excites me about the field is that seemingly insignificant things can suddenly change the way we think about a culture.

Answer: A

8. According to the professor, what can scientists learn by examining ancient phytoliths?

A. The nutrients a plant took in.

B. The age of a certain sediment layer.

C. What a plant was used for.

D. What type of plant produced them.


(1’41’’) 首先在前文提出了一个重要term,phytoliths,并作出了解释。后来开始强调其重要性:Because different plants produce differently shaped phytoliths, scientists can identify the type of plant from ancient remains.

Answer: D

9. What are the implications of the theory that bananas arrived in Africa 5,000 years ago? (click on 2 answers)

A. Agriculture developed in Africa earlier than previously assumed.

B. Contact between Africa and Asia occurred earlier than previously assumed.

C. People have inhabited Southeast Asia longer than previously assumed.

D. The banana plant is a more ancient plant than was previously assumed.


(2’09”) 转折词:But, well, this discovery had other implications for history. 这是一句总起句。紧接着,教授说:As soon as bananas appear in the archaeological record, we know we have contact between Africa and Southeast Asia. It would appear now that his contact occurred much earlier than previously thought. (2’54’’)教授首先用语气词:Um 来表示一个话题点的结束,然后是:The early appearance of bananas also suggests中的also表示另一个并列重点的开始,that agriculture began in this part of Africa earlier than scientists imagined.

Answer: AB

10. What does the professor consider a weakness of the study on bananas in Africa?

A. It did not produce accurate data.

B. Its results are of little importance.

C. Its conclusions are not supported by other studies.

D. It does not make good use of advanced technology.


(3’24’’) 教授用BUT进行转折,But, there are questions about this too. 表达对之前的理论的质疑。并且在(3’36’’)时,教授提出疑问:If bananas were grown thousands of years ago, why don’t we see evidence of large populations thriving in the area earlier? 我们为什么没有看到别的证据。(3’46’’)SO引导一个总结,So we are left with this mystery. (4’)再次用BUT转折词强调,But we are missing other kinds of evidence that would conclusively prove that this is so.

Answer: C

11. Why does the professor say this? (listen again)

A. To announce her intentions to continue the study herself.

B. To encourage her students to do archaeological research.

C. To discredit the recent research on bananas and phytoliths.

D. To highlight the university's reputation in archaeology.


(4’04’’)重复语句:Clearly, more research needs to be done. Perhaps by some new scholars from this university? At least give it some thought. 明显的是,需要做更多的研究。可能是这所大学的新学者?教授这句话的意思是暗示学生可以考虑一下这方面的研究。

Answer: B






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