
小站整理2018-11-26 18:44:35

摘要:2018年11月25日托福考试已经尘埃落定,这次考试独立写作标题:Do you agree or disagree? It is easier for parents to raise children than it was 50 years ago.你是否同意呢?


The main concern of parents are their children and parents do whatever they can for their children. However, is raising children become easier than 50 years before? Responses to this question differ from one person to another according to the view that they are holding towards social issues and their own experiences with children. As far as I am concerned, raising and taking care of children is much easier in comparison to the past, and further justification elaborate on my perspective.


Technologies improvement and subsequent higher quality of lives in comparison to the past, is the first and the most significant factor that facilitate child raising, and even critics affirm the accuracy of this comment. Fast foods, advance staffs and prepared clothes are just some of the facilitation that parents can utilize for their child raising process. For instance, they don't need to wash children's laundry with their own hands, meanwhile people in the past did not have washing machine; so, some parents in that time considered raising a child as boring and unpleasant work. Just with taking this factor into account we can infer how much it was difficult to have a child in the past. But, in the current advanced society all parents apply modern devices to do their works which make raising a baby much easier.


Another noteworthy aspect is that nowadays children go to school to learn academic subjects, nevertheless it is not the whole story. Currently teachers convey many information to the students such as social skills and etc. Therefore, parents are not obliged to teach all lessons to their children. While in 50 years ago, many people did not have access to schools or university which means parents were teacher too. They had to assign some special times for teaching their children, consequently parents had less free time.


To sum up, with showing respect to the people who disapproved the title statement, I believe that they are wrong because of being misinformed about mentioned reasons. I claim having and raising a child in current time is neither difficult nor unpleasant.









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