新托福综合写作:大嘴鸟嘴的三种功能 解析+范文

小站整理2017-09-25 17:05:05


大家在平时练习的时候肯定对于一些真题的练习比较多,那么你所练习的托福写作真题有没有范文作为参考呢?这里小编为大家整理了托福写作真题:大嘴鸟嘴的三种功能 解析+范文,大家可以拿这些真题来练习,然后以对着解析和范文,找到自己的写作不足之外。下面就跟小编一起来学习一下吧。


托福综合写作范文Topic 议题:toucan bird’s billed 的三种功能
Reading Listening
Thesis 总论点 3 reasons can explain why toucan evolved a bill. None of the 3 reasons about the bill’s function is reasonable.
Sub-point 1 Weapons against predators It cannot function as weapons. It is made of hollow bones filled with air, so it is thin and lightweight or else it cannot fly. If it is used as a weapon, it will be easily damaged in activities like jabbing.
Sub-point2 Color and shape to hide from predator They have to call out to each other in order to use the color and shape to blend into surrounding areas. If they do this, they are going to draw attention from predators.
Sub-point 3 Get rid of excess body heat Healthy toucan does not use their bills. They need bill to get rid of heat in the daytime but at night when the temperature is lower, they do not. They then need to retain body heat.

托福综合写作范文Sample answer:

The passage mainly discusses the functions of the toucan bird’s bill. However, the lecturer casts doubt on the writer’s view from the 3reason below.

Firstly, in the reading passage, the bill could serve as weapon to jam predators. On the contrary, the professor says that despite the weapon-like appearance, the bill is too fragile to protect the bird. Moreover, the heavy weight of the bull makes the fly of the bird become awkward, which results in failing prey to the predators. This is where the speaker disagrees with the writer.

Secondly, the professor opposes reading’s idea that the color and shape of the bill can confuse the potential predators. He states that this kind of birds tends to warble all the time and it does not want to confuse the potential predators at all. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

Finally, the professor disapproves the reading’s idea that the bill is so huge that is can help dissipate the body heat. On the other hand, the feather could serve to keep the body temperature. The professor points out that for other species of birds without bills, they control their body temperature as well. Moreover, during the nighttime when the temperature drops, what toucan birds could do to keep warm? This is entirely opposed to the writer’s expectation.

以是就是小编为大家整理的托福写作真题:大嘴鸟嘴的三种功能 解析+范文,大家如果把这些题目都练习了一遍,并参照范文,相信你们的托福写作提分指日可待。最后,小站教育编辑预祝大家托福考试能取得理想的成绩。






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