
小站整理2017-08-21 13:52:41





If a city wants to attract more tourists, the government should improve the safety by hiring more polices or repairing old buildings. Which one do you prefer?

这里分析的是选择通过修理保护老房子来吸引游客的观点。这一道题目也与机经中反复出现的一道题目有相通之处:Do you agree or disagree: preserving the old buildings is more important than building new houses.





Situated 13 kilometers to the west of Jianshui town in Southwest China's Yunnan province, Tuanshan is inhabited by both ethnic Yi and Han Chinese people with about 80 percent of families having the surname "Zhang". The Zhang family migrated as merchants to the area from East China's Jiangxi province in the early Ming Dynasty and later prospered after settling at Tuanshan.2015

A national-level protected cultural relic named "Huang'en Mansion", built in 1909. Most structures in Tuanshan are two-storey compounds with houses surrounding courtyards facing east, featuring black tile roofs, pointed eaves and whitewashed outer walls.2015

A building named "Family Zhang's Garden", built in 1905, is another national-level protected cultural relic. There are more than 26 well-preserved residences combining Han Chinese and Yi ethnic styles in the village. In 2006, Tuanshan was inscribed on the list of "100 Protected Memorial Architectural Heritages" by the World Cultural Heritage Fund.2015

Exquisite ornamental wood, brick and stone carvings on residential buildings in Tuanshan. The decorations are normally inscribed or painted with traditional poetry, opera, calligraphy or colored paintings which reflect the Zhang family's cultural pursuits and its wealth.2015

A flagstone alleyway in Tuanshan. Residential buildings feature gray tiles and light yellow walls, giving people a feeling of simplicity and warmth.


2015To be followed, repairing the historical buildings can generate enormous benefits for the extraordinary like the artists, architects. To be specific, because of the richness of Chinese culture that has precipitated in the form of residential architects, folk houses have become a popular subject that many traditional artists such as the painter or photographer try to express and many architects attempt to research. Take Tuanshan village in Yunnan that has been regarded as the gems of Chinese folk houses as an example. In the small village, there is a national-level protected cultural relic named "Huang'en Mansion", built in 1909. Most structures in Tuanshan are two-storey compounds with houses surrounding courtyards facing east, featuring black tile roofs, pointed eaves and whitewashed outer walls. After appreciating the mansion, the architect can gain an access to the unique architectural style occurring a hundred years ago, which may lead to the combination of Chinese traditional culture into the modern buildings. Besides, the painters may be inspired to accomplish an exquisite painting that contains the profound Chinese cultural significance. Accordingly, the benefits of repairing and preserving old constructions can be perceived for the extraordinary people.








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