
小站整理2017-08-09 16:49:05





Art has long been recognized as an important part of a well-rounded education — but when it comes down to setting budget priorities, the arts rarely rise to the top. Many public schools saw their visual, performing and musical arts programs cut completely during the last recession, despite the many studies showing that exposure to the arts can help with academics too. A few schools are taking the research to heart, weaving the arts into everything they do and finding that the approach not only boosts academic achievement but also promotes creativity, self-confidence and school pride.

“Higher analytical thinking and reasoning and student voice fit so well with the arts,” said Bobby Riley, the school’s principal. Teachers are seeing ways to make connections between subjects and watch asstudents find creative confidence and voice in their expression.

‘Arts integration seems to be the best form of differentiation out there because it taps into so many different interests and abilities and forms of learning.’

“Parents are interested in the arts model, interested in a different approach,” Riley said. The program is also helping connect parents from immigrant communities to the school. “Art is a big part of many of their cultures, so I think they appreciate that experience,” Riley said. “I think they like the community vibe of the school.”


“If you pick a subject area like science, social studies, math or literacy and you integrate it with an art form, what you do is connect the two and find ways to really integrate the two so they lean on each other,” said Judy Klima, who helps ensure academic learning is happening through an art form and visa versa.

“When you engage hands-on and you are creating your own learning, you are deepening your level of understanding about a specific topic,” Klima said. In this case, students thought differently both about classification and characteristics, as well as about the differences between art forms.

Teachers rotate through visual art forms, music, dance and theater. One fifth-grade class came up with dramatic renditions of the Revolutionary War. They used the facts in their social studies curriculum to build scripts and then discussed the dramatic connections through volume, tone of voice and perspective.


“I have to keep remembering and reminding myself that this is one of the best avenues to take. Because when kids are learning through the arts, they end up getting a deeper understanding and the concepts end up sticking much better,” Peterson said. Her strong suit is music — she used to teach piano. When she went back to the general education classroom, she thought music could bring some joy and creativity to the academics she taught. Students draw cartoons illustrating a story they’ve developed based on their interpretation of the music. Peterson asks students to develop a setting, plot and storyline, ultimately having them write out their story.


Despite calls for more art in schools, artistic ability often isn’t recognized as a skill equal to computer coding or engineering by society. Many parents want their kids to study something that clearly leads to a stable job. Until the arts are held in high esteem, they will always come second in traditional schools, Baldwin said.

“Even if parents say they value the arts, they still have that ingrained industrial method of education that people have a hard time letting go of,” Baldwin said. And, in her opinion, it’s very hard to be creative within the narrow limitations of what traditional school and its standards ask kids to do. “You can’t be creative when you are in a box, when you have no way to make your own choices and decisions,” she said.


has long been recognized as an important part of :一直是公认的一个重要部分

when it comes down to:当说到

rise to the top:上升到顶部

studies showing that exposure to the arts can help with academics :研究表明,多接触艺术可以帮助学习

weaving the arts into:跟艺术交织在一起

the approach not only boosts academic achievement but also promotes creativity, self-confidence and school pride:


Higher analytical thinking and reasoning :更高的分析思维和推理

make connections between:联系

students find creative confidence and voice in their expression:学生找到创造性的信心和语音表达

in a different approach:在一个不同的方法里面

The program is also helping connect parents from immigrant communities to the school.这个项目也帮助移民社区的父母跟学校的联系。

a big part of :一个大的一部分

appreciate that experience:欣赏这样的经历

science, social studies, math or literacy:科学、社会科学、数学或识字

ensure academic learning is happening through an art form and visa versa:确保学术学习是发生在一种艺术形式里面,反之亦然。

deepening your level of understanding about a specific topic:加深你对一个特定主题的理解

Teachers rotate through visual art forms, music, dance and theater.


came up with dramatic renditions of the Revolutionary War:


discussed the dramatic connections through volume, tone of voice and perspective:通过音量、声调和视角讨论了戏剧性的连接

one of the best avenues to take:最好的途径之一

end up getting a deeper understanding and the concepts end up sticking much better:最终得到一个更深层次的理解和最终坚持更好的概念

she thought music could bring some joy and creativity to the academics she taught.她认为音乐可以给她教的课程带来一些乐趣和创造力。

Students draw cartoons illustrating a story they’ve developed based on their interpretation of the music. 学生画漫画描述基于他们对音乐的理解编的故事。

Peterson asks students to develop a setting, plot and storyline, ultimately having them write out their story.


calls for:要求

artistic ability often isn’t recognized as a skill equal to computer coding or engineering by society:艺术能力往往不是一种被社会认为像计算机编码或者工程的技能。

leads to a stable job:导致一个稳定的工作

are held in high esteem:被非常的尊重

always come second:总是第二

value the arts:艺术的价值

it’s very hard to be creative within the narrow limitations of what traditional school:很难在狭窄的局限性的传统学校有创造力

You can’t be creative when you are in a box, when you have no way to make your own choices and decisions:当你在一个盒子或者没有办法作出自己的选择和决定里你不能有创造性的。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: primary schools should spend more time on teaching young students (5-11years old) technology (like computer) than teaching music and art.

2010.11.21ML/ 2009.5.30 NA? 2014.3.22 ML

A/D: younger school children (aged five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.








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