
小站整理2024-08-23 11:42:58

托福写作中的话题作文(Integrated Writing)通常要求你先阅读一段短文或听力材料,然后基于这些材料撰写一篇短文,总结并评估阅读材料与听力材料之间的关系。以下是一个托福话题写作范文模板,供你参考: 开头段(Introduction) 简要概述阅读材料的主要内容。 提及听力材料中的核心观点或立场。 表明你将在文章中如何分析两者之间的关系。 示例: "In the reading passage, the author argues that the rise of digital media has led to a decline in social skills among individuals. This argument is countered in the subsequent listening passage, where the speaker presents evidence suggesting that digital media can actually enhance social interaction in certain contexts. The purpose of this essay is to summarize the key points of both the reading and the listening, and to evaluate the extent to which the listening challenges the claims made in the reading." 主体段1(Body Paragraph 1) 详细阐述阅读材料中的一两个主要观点或论据。 使用具体例子或细节来支持你的概述。 示例: "The reading passage asserts that prolonged exposure to digital screens has caused individuals to become more isolated and less skilled at face-to-face communication. It cites studies showing that children who spend excessive time on devices display decreased empathy and struggle with basic interpersonal skills. One example provided is the increasing number of 'digital natives' who prefer texting over verbal conversation, leading to difficulties in interpreting nonverbal cues." 主体段2(Body Paragraph 2) 阐述听力材料中的核心观点,特别是那些与阅读材料相对立的观点。 分析听力材料是如何挑战或补充阅读材料的。 示例: "However, the listening passage offers a contrasting perspective, arguing that digital media platforms have created new avenues for social interaction and networking. The speaker points out that social media enables people to connect with others who share similar interests or face similar challenges, fostering a sense of community. Additionally, video conferencing tools have become indispensable for remote work and education, facilitating communication across geographical barriers. These advancements, the speaker contends, demonstrate that digital media can be instrumental in enhancing social skills under certain circumstances." 结尾段(Conclusion) 总结阅读材料与听力材料之间的主要关系。 给出你的个人观点或评估,可以是对两者观点的综合分析,也可以是对其中一个观点的支持或反对。 示例: "In conclusion, while the reading passage presents a compelling argument that digital media may be detrimental to social skills, the listening passage effectively counters this viewpoint by highlighting the positive role digital media can play in fostering social connection and interaction. It is evident that the impact of digital media on social skills is complex and multifaceted, with both benefits and drawbacks depending on how it is used. Ultimately, it is up to individuals to balance their digital usage in a way that promotes healthy social development." 请记得,这只是一个模板,实际应用时应根据具体题目内容进行调整。重要的是保持逻辑清晰、论证充分,并展示你对材料的深入理解和分析能力。





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