托福独立口语真题入门段 你想要“C位出道”吗

小站整理2018-06-26 11:09:55

摘要:在团队活动或项目中,你究竟更愿意充当领导者角色,还是佛系打个酱油淡然飘过呢?我们来看一篇比较简单、适合刚入门托福童鞋备考训练的托福独立口语真题:Do you prefer to be a leading or supporting member in a group project?

最近朋友圈刷屏的《创造101》可谓火到一塌糊涂,然鹅,现实中如果给你抛头露面担当大任的机会,你真的愿意“C位出道”吗?在团队活动或项目中,你究竟更愿意充当领导者角色,还是佛系打个酱油淡然飘过呢?我们来看一篇比较简单、适合刚入门托福童鞋备考训练的托福独立口语真题:Do you prefer to be a leading or supporting member in a group project?


I prefer to be a leading member in a group project.

The first reason is that it places you in the spotlight. Some people may believe that its disadvantages outweigh its advantages. In my opinion, attention is better than being ignored. Furthermore, when you have something to lose, you will perform better. Few can remember the men in the trenches, but many remember the men leading their fellow men to achieve great things.

Second, one of the most important reasons for becoming the leader in a group is the ability to make a difference. Leaders make decisions that have far-reaching ramifications for a group larger than themselves. Followers are at the mercy of their leaders and do not have this ability. If you have a dream of your own that you can't achieve without the help of a lot of people, you'll need leadership skills to get them behind you.


【Notes笔记 】

in the spotlight:在聚光灯下,意为成为公众人物

disadvantages outweigh advantages:弊大于利

in the trenches:在战壕里的人,意为在一个大事件之中的普通人、非关键人物

far-reaching ramifications:深远的影响

at the mercy of:受……支配

以上就是关于Do you prefer to be a leading or supporting member in a group project?的托福独立口语入门段真题与回答分享,其实托福独立口语主要考察考生英文口头表达能力,观点本身并不会影响得分,大家无论选择哪种观点都无所谓,只要能够条理清晰、论据充分的表达出你的想法和理由,就不担心托福独立口语高分。






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