托福独立口语基础段真题训练 it’s important to live close to your parents

小站整理2018-05-07 20:11:09

摘要:托福口语是中国考生普遍低分的单项,而提分无他捷径,唯有多加练习反思。练习的过程中大家也要注意结合自身基础和备考阶段,选择适合的练习材料。下面我们来看一篇适合口语一般的基础段考生进行练习的托福独立口语真题:Do you agree that it’s important to live close to your parents?

托福口语是中国考生普遍低分的单项,而提分无他捷径,唯有多加练习反思。练习的过程中大家也要注意结合自身基础和备考阶段,选择适合的练习材料。下面我们来看一篇适合口语一般的基础段考生进行练习的托福独立口语真题:Do you agree that it’s important to live close to your parents?

Do you agree that it’s important to live close to your parents?


I agree; it is definitely better to live close to your parents than far away from them.

Most significantly, living near to your family can be a backup plan and a helping hand. I can't tell you how many mornings coworkers have casually — but gratefully — mentioned that their dad helped shovel out their driveway; or their mom gave them a ride when the car wouldn't start; or their aunt is taking care of their sick child so they don't have to miss work. It seems that, within reason, having extended family nearby means there's always someone around to help.

Moreover, it's a remedy for homesickness. When I am far away from home and need a hug from a family member but can’t have one, I can either toughen myself up and get on with it, or curl up in a duvet with junk food and feel miserable. Finally, the latter option always wins. This isn’t a problem when you live in close proximity.



1. Outline

和父母住得近更好 R1: there is always someone to count on when in need 有需要的时候总会有人帮忙 R2: it cures homesickness 这样离家近不会那么想家

2. Vocabulary

shovel out 用铲子推出 这里指扫雪 extended family 大家庭 toughen myself up 使自己变得坚强 curl up 卷起 duvet 羽绒被






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