托福独立口语基础段真题训练 Some people relish the challenge of ……

小站整理2018-05-07 19:50:28

摘要:托福口语是中国考生普遍低分的单项,而提分无他捷径,唯有多加练习反思。练习的过程中大家也要注意结合自身基础和备考阶段,选择适合的练习材料。下面我们来看一篇适合口语一般的基础段考生进行练习的托福独立口语真题:Some people relish the challenge of moving to a new city. Others prefer to live close to their family. Which do you think is better?

托福口语是中国考生普遍低分的单项,而提分无他捷径,唯有多加练习反思。练习的过程中大家也要注意结合自身基础和备考阶段,选择适合的练习材料。下面我们来看一篇适合口语一般的基础段考生进行练习的托福独立口语真题:Some people relish the challenge of moving to a new city. Others prefer to live close to their family. Which do you think is better?

Some people relish the challenge of moving to a new city. Others prefer to live close to their family. Which do you think is better?


Moving to a new city is something that I can thoroughly recommend. Here’s why.

First, moving provides a fresh start, a chance to rebuild your own persona. Being surrounded by the same people and surroundings made me feel stuck in a certain role. Through exploring an all-new environment, I have been able to become the person I want to be and recreate myself.

Second, seeking out different experiences and cultures will allow you to gather a broader knowledge of the world. Learning new things and hearing new ideas will make you a more rounded person and place you in a better position to succeed. With all these benefits, why not try moving to a new city?



1. Outline:

Move to new city > closer to home R1: new environment can rebuild and recreate oneself 新环境可以重建自我 R2: gain knowledge and experiences become well-rounded person 获取知识经历 提升自我 全面发展

2. Vocabulary

fresh start 全新开始例句: But experiencing failure can be a learning experience and an opportunity for a fresh start. 但经历失败也可以是一次学习的经历和一次重新开始的机会 stuck in 陷入例句: Hamlet is stuck in a dilemma, “to be or not to be?” 哈姆雷特陷入了两难的境地,”生存或是死亡?“ : 生命中的这个节点 broader knowledge 知识面较广 rounded adj. 丰满的,全面的 字面意思是全面的 这里最好意译为一个更丰富的人例句: Successful managers need to be well rounded people. 成功的经理必须是多才多艺的人。 recreate [,rikrɪ’et] v. 重建 娱乐例句: Once love is broken, you can never recreate it alive. 一旦爱情破碎了,你怎么能令其起死回生。






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