托福独立口语入门段真题训练 Describe a performer, an actor or a musician, etc. that you think is great.

小站整理2018-05-07 19:36:55

摘要:托福口语是中国考生普遍低分的单项,而提分无他捷径,唯有多加练习反思。练习的过程中大家也要注意结合自身基础和备考阶段,选择适合的练习材料。下面我们来看一篇适合口语基础较弱的入门阶段考生进行练习的托福独立口语真题:Describe a performer, an actor or a musician, etc. that you think is great. Please give specific reasons why you think he/she is great.

托福口语是中国考生普遍低分的单项,而提分无他捷径,唯有多加练习反思。练习的过程中大家也要注意结合自身基础和备考阶段,选择适合的练习材料。下面我们来看一篇适合口语基础较弱的入门阶段考生进行练习的托福独立口语真题:Describe a performer, an actor or a musician, etc. that you think is great. Please give specific reasons why you think he/she is great.

I'm a huge fan of Jackie Chan.

Firstly, he is dedicated to what he does. Due to the difficulty level of Chan’s stunts, no one else is willing to attempt them, so he does all of them himself. Although he has broken most of his bones while attempting the harder and more dangerous stunts, ultimately, he never lets that stop him from doing them. In fact, he always tries his best to outdo himself and take on more challenging stunts than the ones he has done previously – all in the name of providing exhilarating entertainment.

Secondly, he gives back to society. When Chan isn’t acting, he gives his money and time to the less fortunate – because he remembers his humble beginnings. He believes that he wouldn’t have made it to where he is today if not for the people he met along the way. So doing his part for the less fortunate is his way of showing gratitude to the people who have helped him.




1. Outline

喜欢成龙 R1: he is dedicated, a role model 他的敬业精神是一个楷模榜样 R2: he gives back to society 他回馈社会不忘初衷

2. Vocabulary

dedicated 专注的 献身的 这里指成龙非常敬业 stunts 绝技 惊人表演 outdo 超过;胜过 exhilarating 使人愉快的 高兴的 gives back 归还 这里指回馈社会 humble 谦逊的 gratitude 感谢(的心情);感激






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