【小站名师】告别fair, 直奔good!托福独立口语论证之因果与举例

小站教育2016-08-30 10:14:33


独立口语变化多端,已然成为考生们心中的老大难问题。不少同学考了无数回,总是在limited和fair之前转换。也许你觉得你说得已经答题非常流利,信息量又大,细节充足,语音地道,但为何就是永恒的fair甚至是limited呢?亦或,某些同学苦苦焦灼,抓耳挠腮,不知所云,不知所云。笔记今天从独立口语论证之因果举例方面展开讲解,帮大家迅速get point, get good。

一. 了解背景信息

独立口语考察学生对于日常口语表达的掌握程度,task1属于free choice,主要考察学原因阐述和内容描述。如Describe a special gift that you gave to someone. Explain why with details and examples.考生需要根据自己见解选取合适话题,展开论证回答。task2属于paired choice,相对于task1简单,学生只需二选一,即选A选B,或是同意不同意。如:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students who are caught cheating in exams should be asked to leave school. Explain why.

二. 确定论述方法

1. 因果论述:


如题What kind of reading material, such as novels, magazines, or poetry, do you more like to read in your free time? Explain why you find this material interesting.如果审题不清,学生答案往往不够清楚,如:I like to read magazines because they contain a lot of information.这种开篇,即使学生口语非常流利也是难拿高分。此类答案属于有因无果,论述不清。


Some students prefer to work on class assignments by themselves. Others believe that it is better to work in a group. Which do you prefer?


I prefer working in groups because usually in group work, different people know different things about the topic,and because of that you get a deeper understanding of the assignment.


2. 举例论证:


如题: What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Explain how it can help you. Please include reasons and details in you explanation. 先看一段学生的答案。I usually do exercise, which is really healthy. For example, I always get up early and do some jogging in my community or in the park near my apartment, which can help me keep fit.

答案中有比较详细的例子描述,但是仅仅详细就够了吗?显然不是,举例论证是要注意全面回答问题,注意逻辑关系。显然答案中忽略了题目要求的explain how it can help you.因此,请考生揣摩一下答案。

First, i do exercise regularly because taking exercise is closely related to health.For example, i like to swim, play basketball and so on, which can boost my immune system and burn the calorie, as well as strengthen my muscles and bones, so seldom will I get sick.

What’s more, it’s on my top agenda to develop a balanced and healthier diet, so that I can absorb enough nutrition, like vitamin, fiber, protein from the vegetables, beans. And in order not to easily gain weight and become too fat and flabby, I just get rid of eating greasy food too often.









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