SAT考试测试题遭泄露 CB称对十月考试影响不大

互联网2016-08-12 17:08:42



今年3月,美国大学理事会(College Board)公布了美国学术能力测验的新题型。而数月之后,就有一名能够接触考题材料的内部人士向路透社透露了上百道全新的机密试题,其中包括21道阅读段落的问题及答案、160道数学题。

The materials provided to Reuters contain a wealth of items for upcoming tests: reading passages drawn from novels, historical documents, scientific journals, essays and other texts, each accompanied by questions. Also among the materials were math problems involving geometry and quadratic equations.


Reuters doesn’t know how widely the items have circulated. The news agency has no evidence that the material has fallen into the hands of what the College Board calls “bad actors” – groups that the organization says “will lie, cheat and steal for personal gain.” But independent testing specialists briefed on the matter said the breach represents one of the most serious security lapses that’s come to light in the history of collegeadmissions testing.


To ensure the materials were authentic, Reuters provided copies to the College Board. In a subsequent letter to the news agency, an attorney for the College Board said publishing any of the items would have a dire impact, “destroying their value, rendering them unusable, and inflicting other injuries on the College Board and test takers.”


College Board spokeswoman Sandra Riley said in a statement that the organization was moving to contain any damage from the leak. The College Board is “taking the test forms with stolen

content off of the SAT administration schedule while we continue to monitor and analyze the situation,” she said. Riley declined to say whether those steps would involve cancelling or delaying upcoming tests. The next sitting of the SAT is October 1.


美国大学理事会通信部副主席桑德拉·莱利(Sandra Riley)表示:“我想强调的是,没有学生受此事件影响。我不想发表不明言论,以免给学生们带来不必要的焦虑。”


与此前的泄题事件不同,本次泄露的考题是从未被使用过的新题型考题。美国“全国公平与公开考试中心”公共教育主任鲍勃·谢弗(Bob Schaeffer)称,近期SAT新题的泄露“危害巨大”。谢弗说:“重要的是,要搞清大学理事会设计考试的过程中哪个步骤出现了纰漏,以及这些安全漏洞有没有被堵上。”



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