2018年6月22日SAT语法每日一练系列 官方出品

小站整理2018-06-22 10:58:08

摘要:由SAT考试官方出品(SAT daily practice),每天一道权威SAT文法练习题,是放松身心的绝佳调剂资料。本文为大家带来2018年6月22日sat语法练习题,观点表达层面的语言过渡的逻辑连贯性,很有难度。每天5分钟,轻松1400+。



The creation of today's animated films, frequently hailed for their lifelike artistry, relies heavily on mathematics. Aspiring animators would benefit from a strong background in math if they wish to create, for instance, the rounded shapes making up an old man's knobby knuckles or a young girl's bouncy hair. One of the algorithms now considered an industry standard repeatedly subdivides a polygon by splitting and averaging the midpoint of a line. Developed by Pixar Animation Studio's Tony DeRose, this algorithm eliminated the problem of discernible edges of polygons by replacing them with the seamlessly rounded curves of the parabolas that emerge as a result of the polygon subdivision process. Innovations such as DeRose's depend on an understanding of applied mathematics in areas such as geometry, linear algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.

Which choice most effectively sets up the information that follows in the paragraph?



B.Animators use algorithms, or sequences of mathematical steps,

C.The animation industry has grown increasingly dependent on computer-generated imagery

D.In fact, animators draw on a variety of skills, many of them in fields outside of a traditional understanding of art,


解析:Choice B is the best answer because it most effectively sets up the information that follows in the paragraph. Providing a general introduction to algorithms helps to lead readers to the more specific information provided about DeRose's polygon subdivision algorithm.



specific[spi'sifik]adj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的

calculus['kælkjuləs]n. 微积分

effectively[i'fektivli]adv. 事实上,有效地

variety[və'raiəti]n. 多样,种类,杂耍

dependent[di'pendənt]adj. 依靠的,依赖的,从属的

artistry['ɑ:tistri]n. 艺术性;艺术效果;艺术技巧;艺术工作;工艺

traditional[trə'diʃənəl]adj. 传统的

animation[.æni'meiʃən]n. 活泼,有生气,卡通制作

discernible[di'sə:nəbl]adj. 可辨别的

emerge[i'mə:dʒ]vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来



句子边界 Sentence boundaries;从属和并列关系 Subordination and coordination

平行结构 Parallel structure;修饰语位置 Modifier placement(包括修饰语错位和悬垂修饰语)

动词时态、语态、语气不一致 Inappropriate shifts in verb tense, mood, and voice

代词人称和数不一致 Inappropriate shifts in pronoun person and number

代词指代明确性 Pronoun clarity;所有格限定词 Possessive determiners

一致性 Agreement(包括主谓一致、名词一致、代词前后指代一致)

易混词 Frequently confused words;比较结构 Logical comparison

习惯性表达 Conventional expression

句末标点符号 End-of-sentence punctuation(包括句号、问号、感叹号)

句内标点符号 Within-sentence punctuation(包括冒号、分号、破折号)

名词和代词的所有格 Possessive nouns and pronouns(主要涉及撇号的用法)

连接一个系列 Items in a series(主要涉及逗号、分号的用法)

非限制性和插入性成分 Nonrestrictive and parenthetical elements(主要涉及逗号用法)

不必要的标点符号 Unnecessary punctuation


主旨大意 Proposition;支持信息 Support;聚焦中心论点 Focus

数量信息 Quantitative information(图表题:表格、折线图、柱状图、饼图等)

逻辑连贯性 Logical sequence;开篇介绍、总结、过渡 Introductions, conclusions, and transitions

表达准确 Precision;表达简洁 Concision;语言风格 Style and tone

以上就是小编为大家带来的《2018年6月22日SAT语法每日一练系列 官方出品》的全部内容。左手SAT真题OG(2016-2018年的全部真题,小站在加紧编纂中,敬请期待),右手小站SAT备考干货,祝2018年与SAT一战即高分。

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