
互联网2017-08-17 15:30:18



13.flout 轻视 clout 巨大影响

(1)But we must remember that these women scientists were few in number, their participation in decision making positions was virtually nil, and their political clout was minimal.

(2)Some companies flout the rules and employ children as young as seven.

14.tonic 滋补的 toxic有毒的

(1)The good night’s sleep had-----effect on the weary climber, who woke refreshed and eager to resume the ascent.

(A) an innocuous (B) a tonic

(C) a minor (D) an enervating

(E) a detrimental

(2)People who take megadoses of vitamins and minerals should take care: though beneficial in small quantities, in large amounts these substances may have___ effects.

(A) admirable

(B) redundant

(C) intangible

(D) toxic

(E) minor

15.sway 影响力 away离开

Will and others have fallen under the sway of what one might call “genetic essentialism,” the belief that genes almost completely determine who a person is.

16.exigent紧急的 cogent有说服力的

(1)Wary of unorthodox treatments, many doctors are reluctant to concede that nutritionists have a____ argument for the use of dietary regulation as preventive medicine.

(A) cogent (B) cursory (C) vacillating (D) feckless (E) vehement




feckless<>responsible 不负责任:负责任


(1) Though ---- in her personal life, Edna St. Vincent Millay was nonetheless ---- about her work, usually producing several pages of complicated rhyme in a day.

(A) jaded.. feckless

(B) verbose.. ascetic

(C) vain.. humble

(D) impulsive.. disciplined

(E) self-assured.. sanguine


jaded<> keen 厌倦的:热心的

feckless<> responsible 不负责任的:负责任的

feckless/futile<> constructive/helpful/useful 无用的:有用的

verbose/querulous/ garrulity<> taciturn/reticent/silent 话多的:沉默寡言的

ascetic/stoic<> indulgent/sumptuous 坚忍的:放纵的/奢侈的

humble/modest/servile/sordid<> arrogant/presumptuous/haughty/hubris 谦虚的/谦卑:自高自大

sanguine<> despondent 充满希望的:沮丧的

(2) His___ was so limitless that it bordered on recklessness, for he gave more to charity than he could really afford.

(A) amicability

(B) inexorableness

(C) frivolity

(D) munificence

(E) venerability

reckless: marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences 不顾后果,不顾危险

18. fleck斑点 freckle斑点 (这两个单词在巴朗词表上,其实真没必要记)

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