在 SAT 阅读的长难句中,有什么方法能迅速理解其含义?

小站整理2024-07-04 18:42:44

摘要:抓主干 首先找出句子的主谓宾结构,即主语、谓语动词和宾语。忽略修饰成分,如定语、状语、补语等,先理解句子的核心意思。

在 SAT 阅读中面对长难句,以下方法可以帮助您迅速理解其含义:


  1. 抓主干

    • 首先找出句子的主谓宾结构,即主语、谓语动词和宾语。忽略修饰成分,如定语、状语、补语等,先理解句子的核心意思。
    • 例如:“The complex theory, which was developed by a renowned scientist over several years and has since been widely debated among experts, presents a revolutionary perspective on the subject.” 此句的主干是 “The theory presents a perspective.” 先理解这部分,即“这个理论提出了一个观点”。
  2. 识别从句

    • 注意各种从句,如定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等,并明确它们在句子中的作用。
    • 比如:“Although he was often criticized for his unconventional methods, he persisted in pursuing his research, which eventually led to a significant breakthrough.” 其中 “Although he was often criticized for his unconventional methods” 是状语从句,“which eventually led to a significant breakthrough” 是定语从句,分别理解它们与主句的关系。
  3. 拆分短语

    • 把长难句中的介词短语、动词短语等拆分出来,单独理解。
    • 例如:“The proposal, along with several alternative options, was carefully considered by the committee.” 这里 “along with several alternative options” 是介词短语,先理解主句 “The proposal was carefully considered by the committee.” 再看介词短语的补充信息。
  4. 注意标点

    • 逗号、分号、破折号等标点有时可以帮助划分句子成分和理解逻辑关系。
    • 像 “The book, which I have been waiting for months to read, finally arrived; I can't wait to start.” 分号前后是两个相对独立的部分,可以分别理解。
  5. 简化句子

    • 如果句子过于复杂,可以先简化其中的修饰成分,理解大致结构后再逐步添加细节。
    • 比如把 “The highly anticipated event that attracted thousands of people from all over the world and received extensive media coverage was a huge success.” 简化为 “The event was a huge success.” 然后再看修饰部分。
  6. 逻辑推理

    • 根据上下文和句子中的逻辑关系词,如“because”“so”“but”等,推断句子的意思。
    • 例如: “He worked hard every day, but still couldn't meet the deadline because of unexpected complications.” 通过逻辑词理解因果关系。
  7. 积累常见语法结构

    • 熟悉各种常见的语法结构,如强调句、倒装句、虚拟语气等,遇到时能够快速识别和理解。
  8. 多读多练

    • 平时多读一些包含长难句的文章,增加对长难句的熟悉度和敏感度,提高理解能力。


通过不断练习和运用这些方法,您在处理 SAT 阅读中的长难句时会更加得心应手。


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