怎样避免在 SAT 考试中粗心犯错?

小站整理2024-06-26 11:22:09

摘要:以下是一些关于 SAT 阅读理解的练习题:

以下是一些关于 SAT 阅读理解的练习题:


Passage 1:
The history of the bicycle is a fascinating one. It started as a simple wooden contraption and has evolved over time into the sleek, high-performance machines we see today. The early versions were difficult to ride and not very practical for long distances. But as technology advanced, so did the bicycle, becoming an important mode of transportation and a popular recreational activity.


Question: What is the main idea of the passage?


Passage 2:
Scientists have been studying the effects of climate change on polar bears. They have found that the sea ice is melting at an alarming rate, which is having a significant impact on the polar bears' habitat and food sources. Many polar bears are struggling to survive, and their numbers are declining.


Question: What is the main concern expressed in the passage?


Passage 3:
The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world. Its mysterious smile and unique style have captivated audiences for centuries. People travel from all over the world to see it in person.


Question: Why is the Mona Lisa so famous?


一些有效的阅读技巧可以提高 SAT 阅读理解能力包括:


  1. 先浏览题目,带着问题去读文章。
  2. 学会快速扫读,提取关键信息。
  3. 注意文章的结构和逻辑关系。
  4. 标记重要细节和关键词。


一些 SAT 阅读理解的必考词汇有:


  1. analyze(分析)
  2. compare(比较)
  3. contrast(对比)
  4. explain(解释)
  5. infer(推断)
  6. interpret(解读)
  7. summarize(总结)等。


要避免在 SAT 考试中粗心犯错,可以:


  1. 认真读题,不要急于作答。
  2. 仔细检查计算过程和答案。
  3. 保持专注,避免分心。
  4. 养成良好的答题习惯,如标注重点等。






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