
小站整理2018-03-09 15:44:17



莎士比亚 William Shakespeare


English playwright and poet William Shakespeare, who lived in the late 1500s and early 1600s, is regarded as the greatest dramatist in the history of English literature. His plays include historical works such as Richard II, comedies, including As You Like it, and tragedies, such as Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear. He had a profound understanding of human nature and human behavior, and he was able to communicate this knowledge through the wide variety of characters he created in his plays.


Though recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists, he surprisingly didn't attend the university after graduated from a grammar school due to taking the responsibility of the eldest son in family and becoming an apprentice to learn the business in his father's shop. (可以套university对成功有否影响之类的问题)The school's rigorous curriculum was based largely on the study of Latin and the major classical writers, which influenced Shakespeare's writing a lot. But it was the mundane life experience during his apprentice time provided those vivid images in Shakespeare's mind. (可以套 平凡小事的大作用 之类的问题)

In late 1580s, Shakespeare went to London and worked in the theatre as a handy man, who sometimes prompted the stage lines to the actors or played an insignificant role in the play. His talent of drama writing first appeared when he tried to revise the old scripts because the theatre's immediate requirements of different scripts everyday. (这个勉强算struggle好了) During the summer of 1592 to the spring of 1594 because of plague, many theaters were closed, which led to Shakespeare's losing job. He seized the chance to read a large number of books and improved himself, which eventually made him stand out conspicuously after the plague. (很明显啦抓住机遇之类的问题)

甘地 Gandhi




Gandhi was a major political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement. He was the pioneer of satyagraha resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon ahimsa or total non-violence ---- which led India to independence and has inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. He is commonly known around the world as Mahatma Gandhi 'Great Soul' . He is officially honored in India as the Father of the Nation.


He first employed non-violent disobedience while an expatriate lawyer in South Africa. → faced discrimination directed at Indians; thrown off the train after refusing to move from the first class to a third class while holding a valid first class ticket.

It was through witnessing firsthand the racism, prejudice and injustice against Indians in South Africa that Gandhi started to question his people's status within the British Empire, and his own place in society. (这段可以用于motive一类的问题)

直接跳到最有名的salt march 中间还有很多小的政治运动有兴趣的自己wiki

Gandhi launched a new satyagraha against tax on salt in March 1930, highlighted by the famous Salt March to Dandi from 12 March to 6 April, marching 400 kilometers (248 miles) from Ahmedabad to Dandi, Gujarat to make salt himself. Thousand of Indians joined him on this march to the sea. The government decided to negotiate with Gandhi and later agreed to set all political prisoners free, who were imprisoned in the salt movement. (这个的话struggle阿peace or violence阿都可以 自己斟酌吧)

道格拉斯 Frederick Douglass


Douglass, whose original name was Frederick Augustus Bailey (我也没记住这个- -), was born in 1817 in Talbot County, Maryland. He was born a slave due to the law that children followed the status of their mothers. At the age of seven or eight, Frederick was sent to Baltimore to the home of Hugh and Sophia Auld. Sophia Auld began to teach Frederick to read from Bible until her husband forbade such instruction. Having used the books belonging to Sophia Auld's son to teach himself secretly, Frederick had already learned basic literacy skills. By standing the work The Columbian, which he bought as his first book, Frederick became convinced of the injustice of slavery and the right of all people to be free. From the book he also learned public speaking techniques that would later make him one of the greatest orators of his age. (“教育”/“知识”使人“改变” 3个点都有)

When Frederick was 17, the Auld found him too independent and sent him to work for Edward Covey, a 'slave breaker' who specialized in shattering the spirit of rebellious slaves. Covey had Frederick beaten daily for the slightest violation of impossibly strick rules. After nearly 6 months Frederick resisted Covey, wrestling him to a dra in a fight, after which Covey never attempted to beat him again. Frederick described his conflict with Covey as 'the turning point of my life as a slave'. Before the battle Frederick believed he was 'nothing', but after it, he emphatically wrote :'I was a man now.' (这个..自己看吧 凑字数/ 自我认知/ 改变 the achievement of self-worth causes people to change之类的都可以)


In September 1838 Frederick obtained papers supplied by a free black seaman and, dressed as a sailor just back from sea duty, took a train from Baltimore to NY.

He made his way to the way to the home of David Ruggles, one of the leading black abolitionists in the nation, and began to work for the abolition of slavery. He wrote 3 autobiographies, which were widely read, and published a newspaper that discussed the evils of slavery and discrimination. Later as the agent for the lager American Anti-Slavery Society, he traveled throughout much of the North, speaking at antislavery meetings, giving public lectures and helping to recruit members for the societies.

At his death in 1895, Douglass had already established his reputation as the foremost African American spokesperson of the 19th century as well as one of the nation's most effective orators and activists.


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