【SAT写作】美国高中生观点型写作范文赏析--The Dream of a Dancer

互联网2017-03-30 16:34:43

摘要:从今天起,小站君会分享给大家一系列美国高中生写的范文,文中配有注释。我们可以多多学习本土学生的写作思维,更多吸取他们的精华内容。本文这里分享的是观点型写作,关于话题The Dream of a Dancer(舞者的梦想),我们一起来看。



The Dream of a Dancer

Dance is the definition of life and its creativity. It’s filled with some many opportunities and so many amazing people to meet. There is so many questions i could ask about dance like, where did dance originate from or how many styles does dance have to offer.I have a love and a passion that i share for dance it will always be here for me .You're probably wondering why i'm telling you this ...The reason i'm telling you this is because my dream is to be a part of or have America's best dance crew!!!. But this will require me to go threw a whole process of steps that i will need to take.

The first step is probably in my opinion one of the most important steps. And it is to always practice because if i don't practice how am i ever supposed to improve. I will practice one concept at a time so i know that i have it down . Then next step is to find other people to practice with. Then again if i practice with more people than the more knowledge about dance i could receive. Or i can learn a bunch of new styles.Then we would do fundraisers so we can have money so we could book famous dancers to come teach us.

Then we would have to form a bond of a family instead of just a team. We as a team would come up with some really good routines so we could use them in competitions . So in order to get ourselves known we would need to go around the community or even around america and participate and win competitions. Also this way it could bring our crew some sponsors. Even now at my young age i have whole lot of connections for dance crews and other dancers . I mean it also gives me a huge advantage because i am friends with some of the jabbawockeez and right now they are america's best dance crew.

Even tho I have a while till i actually get to go out and pursue my goal i still want to take any opportunities for dance because no matter what anything that can involve dance can help me improve a lot. I am open to any opportunity that is thrown out. My parents may not support me and my dream but that does not matter because i am my own self motivation. And i have the support of my teammates. Dance has proven to be something that is very important to me and has gotten me threw so many things. Dancing is my passion. Dance is my life. Dance is amazing.

My favorite quote was made by me. The quote goes “ DANCE, LIVE, LOVE”. This quote has motivated me to keep going no matter what and to a always work hard. Dance is almost like it's a whole different world with a whole bunch of unique people . So now that you have learned a little knowledge about dance what would you say the definition of dance is in your own words ?

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