
小站教育2016-08-19 15:27:34



材料:The Official SAT Study Guide



题目:The Digital Parent Trap


In "The Digital Parent Trap", Eliana Dockterman argues that there are benefits to early exposure to technology. Dockterman lays the foundation for her argument by discussing the controversy surrounding the widespread use of technology without clearing stating her own opinion. Once she reveals her position, she builds her case by citing credible experts on the benefits of early technology exposure and debunking the claims of technology detractors.

Although Dockterman spends more than a third of her article exploring possible reasons why broad technology access may not be in the best interests of children, rhetorical questions and clever wording hint that she is not fully on board with technological dissidents. At the start of paragraph three, she pits moms trying to "protect" their kids from technology against dads encouraging them to "embrace it". This forces the reader to start considering the possible pros and cons of early technology exposure. Even as she describes the longstanding reasons why some oppose excessive technology use, careful word choice suggests that opponents of technology are anachronistic and overly rigid in their thinking. At the beginning of paragraph four, the capital letters in the line "For years, the Parental Adage was simple" are a subtle condemnation of overly simplistic thinking. Again, in paragraph five, the phrase "fundamental aversion" suggests that those with a knee-jerk distaste for technology are guilty of fundamentalism.

With the reader beginning to question whether fearmongering over youth technology use is unfounded, Dockterman begins citing expert after expert on the benefits of technology on young minds. All of the experts come from well-respected institutions and quote impressive statistics. A professor of anthropology describes how social networking gives kids access to new forms of learning. Researchers at SRI, "a nonprofit research firm", explain that online games increase students' performance on logic tests. Studies referenced by MIT demonstrate that digital learning dramatically increases information retention compared to more traditional methods of learning like reading, listening, and watching demonstrations. Most important of all, technological fluency gives students a competitive advantage in securing lucrative jobs as the STEM fields continue to grow at a rapid pace. All of these benefits form a firm buffer against the unproven concerns of technology opponents.

Dockterman not only quotes those who oppose technology to make her argument appear more balanced, but she also cleverly uses them to undermine their own cause. Unlike the advocates of technology, the opponents of technology do not cite any statistics nor do they come from comparably impressive backgrounds. This makes the anecdotal testimony of a Waldorf School administrator, for example, pale in comparison with the study conducted by a UC Irvine anthropologist. Even the screen time limits suggested by the American Academy of Pediatrics have become outdated because they wrongly presuppose that all screen time is as mind numbing as watching television. On the contrary, actively using a computer or tablet can be "brain-stimulating".

By first acknowledging why some oppose extensive technology use, Eliana Dockterman sets herself up to effectively tout its social and pedagogical benefits. She concludes her essay with this same nuanced logic she began with by reminding parents that despite technology's many benefits, they are still responsible for monitoring their children's technology time and preventing misuse.


下面分别从新SAT文章写作的三个评分要点:reading,analysis和writing,总结满分作文的优点,并结合官方指南样题The Digital Parent Trap的范文来加以具体分析。同时总结开头段落常用句型。

第一、 从阅读方面来看,对原文全面理解,精准掌握中心思想,有以下三个特点:

1、 中心思想,正确诠释。在The Digital Parent Trap的范文中,作者在首段和尾端简要地总结了原文的中心思想:There are benefits to early exposure to technology; Eliana Dockerman sets herself up to effectively tout its social and pedagogical benefits.

2、引用原文,融会贯通。满分文章的一个优点就是会大量自然地呈现原文的细节,比如原文作者所列的facts(事实)、statics(数据)、the results of experiments (实验结果)、research(研究)或是作者的personal anecdote(个人轶事)等。但这绝不是长篇大论的直接引用原文细节,而是通过skillful use of paraphrase and direct quotations (巧妙地改写或者是别具匠心地直接引用)。例如,上述范文的第一主体段落就指出了原文作者Eliana Dockerman 在文中使用了生动的用词(clever wording)及修辞手段: she pits mom trying to “protect” their kids from technology against dads encouraging them to “embrace it”.这体现了原文的细节。可以说,这种对细节的呈现和巧妙的引用贯穿于全文的始终。



满分作文在分析原文作者对论据,推理形式及修辞等语言手段的使用时,要分析这些要素在巩固,支撑原文作者观点中多发挥的作用,借此向考官展示自己的分析能力。比如,在上述范文中,作者不仅简单列出了Eliana Dockerman在原文中所使用的clever wording,而且进一步的分析了这一手法在增强原文说服力上所起的作用:This forces the readers to start considering the possible pros and cons of early technology exposure.

第三、就写作方面而言,满分考生具备极强的英语语言使用和掌握能力,一气呵成,浑然一体。答卷使用了not only...but also, for example, on the contrary等过渡衔接词,使文章结构紧凑,思路清晰。同时句型多变,用词精确,文体正规,语调客观。At the beginning of paragraph four, the capital letters in the line “For years, the Parental Adage was simple” are a sutble condemnation of overly simplistic thinking.”


• In this speech, ... raises … in order to build the argument that …

• He/She begins by …

• In the next lines, he/she establishes a kinship with his audience by …

• He/She emphasizes …, suggesting that …

As anyone knows that …

• This is the point … eloquently makes in …

• By using anecdotes, examples, reasoning, and powerful imagery, …argues that ...

When … made his/her speech in …, he/she was speaking at the height of …

• … felt strongly that …

• In this speech, he/she uses several techniques to persuade his/her audience of his/her claim.




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