
小站整理2015-04-16 13:56:38



下面是CB官方公布的关于“Why Literature Matters”这个阅读材料的范文,总分分别是3分和6分:


Dana Gioia builds an argument designed and commissioned by the National Endowment for the Arts. Americans declined for eight of the nine major forms that are measured. College attendance ballooned, and access to information increased enormously.

Some of the younger kids showed in the arts and especially literature actually diminished. The significance of reading has become a persistent theme in the business world. The magazine issue of Wired, for example, sketches a new set of mental skill and habits proper to the 21st century, aptitudes decidedly literally in character: not “linear, logical, and analytical talents.”

Reading is not timeless universal capability.


Dana starts the article by presenting positive information on how our society is advancing, only to find that we’re actually losing interest in literature. He backs up this accusation by using a survey from 2002. In this survey Dana mentions that the decline of interest is mainly in younger adults. Throughout the passage he uses the findings of many National Associations to show that these young adults won’t be able to land jobs due to their lack of reading and appreciation of the arts. Then he transitions into how society as a whole will become more free, innovative, and productive through reading alone. Gioia uses evidence found in surveys, polls, and other articles to support his argument. He seamlessly moves to his next idea while still supporting al of his previous claims. The level of writing shows he is skilled at persuading, for he connects to the reader through a very concerning topic, education.



1. 对阅读材料的理解有限,或者完全没有读懂材料。

2. 能够理解材料的大概意思,但并不清楚材料作者是如何通过引用证据或修辞等来支撑观点的。或者并没有理解文章,只是从材料中摘录只言片语。

3. 能够找出材料中使用了例证引用或修辞等,但是没有在文章中进行引用或paraphrase。

4. 对事实的理解可能出现错误;或者即使没有错误,但也只是对少数事实进行了正确解读。


1. 比较笼统地指出材料中使用了哪些手法,但是没有对其作用进行具体的分析。

2. 确实尝试分析材料中的观点是如何发展的,但只是使用一些笼统的、官方的溢美之词,并没有具体解释作者的思路是如何由一个观点过渡到另一个观点的。或者完全没有分析材料的逻辑,只是简单摘抄材料中的句子。

3. 在分析材料的说服力时,也只是粗略地称赞其具有很强的说服力,而没有进行细致地说明。


1. 没有一个贯穿全文的中心思想。

2. 有表示开头或者总结的句子,但是没有清晰的开头段或结尾段,文章结构不完整。

3. 能够表现出逻辑和思路的发展,但是由于篇幅较短,不能说服阅卷人。或者思路和逻辑凌乱,只是简单拼接。

4. 语言和词汇不错,但是篇幅太短,阅卷人很难从这么短的篇幅就断然肯定考生的写作水平。或者直接摘录材料,没有显示出考生的写作水平。

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