
小站整理2015-02-12 11:24:06


1.What work of art, music, science, mathematics, or literature has influenced your thinking, and in what way? (University of Virginia applicants to the College of Arts and Sciences)

2.Discuss how a particular work of music, literature, or art has inspired your life. (William and Mary)

3.Tell us how a particular book, play, film, piece of music, dance performance, scientific theory or experiment or work of art has influenced you. If you choose a novel, film or play, assume we know the plot. (University of Notre Dame)

4.Consider the books you have read in the last year or two either for school or for leisure. Please discuss the way in which one of them changed your understanding of the world,other people, or yourself. (Duke University)

5.Tell us about a situation where you have not been successful and what you have learned from the experience. (William and Mary)

6.First experiences can be defining. Cite a first experience that you have had and explain its impact on you. (University of Pennsylvania)

7.Recall an occasion when you took a risk that you now know was the right thing to do. (University of Pennsylvania)

8.Tell us what you think about a current scientific or social controversy. (William and Mary)

9.Most people belong to many different communities‹groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. Limit your response to half a page, or approximately 250 words. (University of Virginia all applicants)

10.What can you contribute to a multi-cultural world? (William and Mary)

11.The quality of Rice¹s academic life and the residential college system is heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings. What perspective do you feel that you will be able to share with others as a result of your own life experiences and background? Cite a personal experience to illustrate this. Most applicants are able to respond successfully in two to three pages. (Rice University)

12.Northwestern is a community of individuals from diverse cultures and regions of the world and with a myriad of interests and talents. Is there a type of individual you have not had much contact with in your community whom you would like to meet on campus? What do you think would be the outcome of that meeting, and what would be its effect on you? (Northwestern)

13.Respond to the question: How can I prepare educationally for a global society? (Hampton University)

14.Once you have completed your education, would you return to your hometown to begin your adult life? Why or why not? (William and Mary)

15.Names have a mysterious reality of their own. We may well feel an unexpected kinship with someone who shares our name, or may feel uneasy at the thought that our name is not as much our own as we imagined. Most of us do not choose our names; they come to us unbidden, sometimes with ungainly sounds and spellings, complicated family histories, allusions to people we never knew. Sometimes we have to make our peace with them, sometimes we bask in our names¹ associations. Ruminate on names and naming, your name, and your name¹s relationship to you. (University of Chicago)

16.The late William Burroughs once wrote that "language is a virus from outer space." We at the University of Chicago think he¹s right, of course, and this leaves us wondering what else came here with it. Could this finally explain such improbable features of modern life as the Federal Tax Code, non-dairy creamer, Dennis Rodman, and the art of mime? Name something that you assert cannot have originated any other way. Offer a thorough defense of your hypothesis for extraterrestrial origins, including alternate explanations and reasons for eliminating them from consideration. (University of Chicago)

17.What effect has any voluntary or independent research, reading or study, work in the arts, science project, etc. (outside of school), had on your intellectual and personal growth in recent years? Discuss what influence this involvement has had on your academic goals. (Northwestern)

18.What has been your most profound or surprising intellectual experience? (Duke University)

19.Anatole France said, "If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." On what subject do you disagree with most people, and why? (Northwestern)

20.According to Stephen Carter, we can admire those with integrity even if we disagree with them. Are there people you admire even though you deeply disagree with them? What do you admire about them? How do you reconcile this apparent contradiction in your assessment? (Duke University)

21.Who is the secondary school teacher who has had the greatest positive impact on your development? Please describe the ways in which this teacher has influenced you. (Bowdoin College)

22.Reflect on these words of Dorothy Day: "No one has the right to sit down and feel hopeless. There's too much work to do." What is "the work to be done" for your generation, and what impact does this have on your future as a leader? Write a creative, reflective, or provocative essay. (University of Notre Dame)

23.Read Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail." It can be found in several anthologies, most recently King Remembered (W.W Norton & Company, 1986). Drawing upon personal experience, write a creative, reflective or provocative essay. (University of Notre Dame)

24.What characteristics of Penn, and yourself, make the University a particularly good match for you? Briefly describe how you envision your first year in college. How will your presence be known on campus? (University of Pennsylvania)

25.Why did you first become interested in William and Mary? (William and Mary)

26.Why do you consider Duke a good match for you? Is there something in particular you anticipate contributing to the Duke community? If you are applying to the School of Engineering, you may discuss your interest in the field of engineering in general or your interest in Duke's program specifically. (Duke University)

27.You have just completed your 300-page autobiography. Please submit page 217. (University of Pennsylvania)

28.Imagine you have written a short story, film, or play about your last four years. Briefly describe the one moment or scene that your audience will most remember from this autobiographical piece. What will they learn about you from that moment? (Northwestern)

29.What do you think people who know you would be surprised to learn about you? Limit your response to one page.(Rice University)

30."The instructor said,/Go home and write/a page tonight./And let that page come out of you‹/Then, it will be true." The second line of this poem by Langston Hughes, "Theme for English B," goes on to ask: "I wonder if it¹s that simple?" We ask you here to write a truthful page about yourself, beginning where Hughes begins: "I am twenty-two, colored, born in Winston-Salem./I went to school there, then Durham, then here/to this college on the hill above Harlem./I am the only colored student in my class." That is to say, each of us is at a certain stage of life and has a history. Each of us has lived somewhere and gone to school. We each are what we feel and see and hear, as the poem goes on to say. Begin there and see what happens. (University of Chicago)

31.Pose a question of your own, the answer to which you believe will display your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, sensible woman or man, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago. (University of Chicago)

32.Tell us the question you think a selective college should ask. Why? (William and Mary)

33.The Committee on Undergraduate Admissions is interested in learning more about you. Please use this essay to relay information about you that cannot be found elsewhere on your application. You may choose to write about your future ambitions and goals, a special talent or unusual interest that sets you apart from your peers, or a significant event or relationship that has influenced you during your life. (George Mason University/Virginia Tech)

34.Please submit a final piece of writing on any subject you choose. Limit your response to one page, or approximately 500 words. (University of Virginia all applicants)

35.Please write on a matter of importance to you. Any topic, and any form of written expression, is acceptable. If you have written something for another purpose--even an essay for another college--that you believe represents you particularly well, feel free to submit it here. As a guideline, remember that we are especially interested in issues of personal significance. (Duke University)

36.Which of the majors in the School of Architecture‹architecture, architectural history, or urban and environmental planning‹most appeals to you, and why? (University of Virginia applicants to the School of Architecture)

