SAT 写作的开头怎样才能引人入胜?

小站整理2024-09-26 17:43:12

摘要:以下是让 SAT 写作开头引人入胜的方法: 一、提出引人深思的问题 紧扣主题设问 结合写作主题,提出一个能引发读者思考的问题。例如,如果主题是 “科技对人类生活的影响”,可以这样开头:“In an age dominated by technology, have we become more connected or more isolated? As we stare at our screens, are we truly engaging with the world around us, or are we losing touch with what truly matters?” 问题要具有针对性,直接指向文章要探讨的核心问题,激发读者的好奇心和探索欲。

以下是让 SAT 写作开头引人入胜的方法:




  1. 紧扣主题设问

    • 结合写作主题,提出一个能引发读者思考的问题。例如,如果主题是 “科技对人类生活的影响”,可以这样开头:“In an age dominated by technology, have we become more connected or more isolated? As we stare at our screens, are we truly engaging with the world around us, or are we losing touch with what truly matters?”
    • 问题要具有针对性,直接指向文章要探讨的核心问题,激发读者的好奇心和探索欲。
  2. 引导读者思考

    • 问题提出后,不要急于给出答案,而是让读者在心中思考这个问题。通过这种方式,引导读者进入文章的主题,使他们更有兴趣继续阅读下去。
    • 例如:“This is a question that demands our attention. As we navigate the complex landscape of the digital age, we must ask ourselves how technology is shaping our lives and what the consequences might be.”




  1. 选择合适的名言

    • 查找与写作主题相关的名言警句,可以是著名作家、哲学家、科学家等的话语。例如,对于 “成功与努力” 的主题,可以引用托马斯・爱迪生的名言:“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
    • 名言要简洁有力、富有深意,能够迅速抓住读者的注意力,并为文章的主题奠定一个有力的基调。
  2. 巧妙引入名言

    • 在开头部分自然地引入名言,可以先对名言进行简单的解释或阐述,然后引出文章的主题。例如:“As Winston Churchill once said, ‘Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.’ In the pursuit of success, what truly matters is not just talent or luck, but the unwavering determination and hard work. Today, we will explore the significance of effort in achieving success.”




  1. 选取相关故事

    • 选择一个与主题紧密相关的生动故事或案例作为开头。可以是真实的历史事件、个人经历或者虚构的故事。例如,在讨论 “勇气的力量” 时,可以讲述一个勇敢的探险家在极端环境下克服困难的故事。
    • 故事要具有吸引力,能够迅速抓住读者的情感,让他们产生共鸣。
  2. 引出主题

    • 讲述完故事后,要及时将故事与文章的主题联系起来,引出文章的论点。例如:“This remarkable story of courage and perseverance serves as a reminder that in the face of adversity, courage is not the absence of fear, but the determination to overcome it. In our lives, we too are often faced with challenges that require us to summon our courage. Today, we will examine the importance of courage in achieving our goals.”




  1. 创造生动画面

    • 通过细腻的描写,为读者创造一个生动的场景,让他们仿佛身临其境。例如,如果主题是 “环境保护”,可以这样开头:“Imagine a world where the skies are always grey, the rivers are polluted, and the forests are disappearing. This is the reality we are facing if we do not take immediate action to protect our environment.”
    • 场景描写要具体、形象,运用丰富的形容词和动词,使读者能够感受到场景的真实性和紧迫性。
  2. 过渡到主题

    • 描写完场景后,要自然地过渡到文章的主题,说明这个场景与主题的关系以及为什么这个主题很重要。例如:“This dire situation calls for our collective action. We must recognize the importance of environmental protection and take steps to preserve our planet for future generations.”


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